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“Off Duty” Page 29

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Some fox bottomed out


Lovely colouring and wonderful attention to detail. How have you been doing 12? Its always good seeing you post again! Please remember you are missed *hugs*


Lovely new page! Always happy to see new art from you, it's just so warm fuzzy and sexy! <3 Hope you're doing better!


XD, I’m drawing porn of Disney characters... I don’t bother knowing if I used the correct version of your or you’re.


Thank you, I sure am trying! I just owe this to everyone that supported it. This should have been done months ago. Just one more page! And I can rest!


Been doing good as I can be. Haven’t been doing much really with Art, but just trying to pay off bills and work because that’s life, because I haven’t been making money with Art no more, I’m working an actual job just to keep up paying off debt. Also miss socializing with my audience as well, miss you too.