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Hey guys, happy April!

Hope you all are doing better than me.

Soo, finally got my results today. Doc said that basically from what they saw. My hand and arm are fine and look good. They didnt seeing no sever nerve compression. The nerve wasn’t flattened anywhere. It wasn’t too swollen for it to be anything severe, just slightly swollen. And there’s nothing else that looks out of the ordinary. Which is all good news!

He says that since it looks like the nerve is healthy there’s no need for any surgery anytime soon. Although he said I still have to treat my arm better! He says that it’s possible for fluid to build up in the elbow and compress the nerve. Meaning discomfort! So just keep it away from anything to straining for the nerve itself. Thankfully my arm is doing better. Still feels off from time to time, but I still need to take care of it.

As for my artwork, I’ll still be slowly working on my comic, and I promise it’s going to get finished!!!

I think that’s about it, for now. Thank you for sticking around with me! ❤️



Thats great news!!!! Take care of yourself dude


Great to hear it's not bad!


I'm so happy for this news! It may seem like a long road back but you are on the road and that is the most important thing!


That's such relieving news Twelve! I'm so glad no drastic measures had to be taken. Keep taking good care of yourself and that arm ok.😊


glad to hear about this improvement