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Sorry I didn’t get the chance to tell everyone yesterday. But Thursday night, I ended up catching some stomach bug. I think it was food poisoning, and im hoping that’s what it is and nothing more serious. But I was really out of it for the past two days.

friday was supposed be my MRI results, but they actually called saying the results aren’t in yet. So I didn’t really miss anything. They scheduled me an appointment for next week. And they say I should have the results by then.

as for me and my stomach, I ain’t 100% But it feeling a bit better now, and I’m able to keep down liquids and some light food for right now.

‘if it is really just food poisoning, I should be just fine within a few more days.



Last time I had food poising was awful I survived but I was pooped out XD XD XD


Sorry to hear but I'm glad you're on the upside of that


Great way to loose all that Covid weight! I had a stomach virus, borderline going to hospital for dehydration. 12hrs later tried sipping water. My stomach said: “Oh, look! Water! Now we can do the Rinse cycle!” And back to the toilet again...


Thankfully I’ve been keeping food down for the past few days. Just trying not to over do it! Hoping to feel normal again soon!