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Welp, better to be safe then sorry. Ended up talking with my employer and let her know the situation. She understood and I let her know that its not the best thing to work with my hands yet, so ended me leaving my job. I think it’s for the best though, and I’m happier loosing a job than risking my hand. I appreciate those who shared their feedback on my last update. ❤️

and I have to thank everyone her for their support! I know this month Wasn’t the best for content but many of you showed your loving kindness towards me and I appreciate ALL of it! 🥰💕

As for me I’m going to continue taking it easy on my hand, also seeing if I can get some physical therapy soon.

Thank you all  again.


Colonel Arbuckle

I know it wasn't an easy decision, but I'm very glad you're taking care of yourself and your talent first, Twelve!


Thanks a lot Colonel ❤️ And yes, I know it’s a tough decision, but I’m not sad in the slightest. I mean I’ve been without work for like 2 months, so it’s no different really. But yes I’m trying my best to recover without worrying about stressing my hand to much. 👍