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So, just finished up with my appointment.  Everything went smoothly I guess you can say. The doctor ran his test which tested my nerves using electric impulses to stimulate the nerves and can identify if I have any nerve damage in my hand. Good new is that it’s nothing serious. He told me that I do have mild carpal tunnel, but it shouldn’t be a problem as long as I take care of my hand. The “ulnar nerve” which is the main cause of the pain/ discomfort  I was feeling turned out to be good and no serious problems there. Over all my hand is doing better, but I still need to take care of it. Proper stretching and use of it, I should expect a full recovery. Bad news is my part time job is a “BIG” strain on my hands. I work for a sandwich shop Which when we have a rush, we can’t fall behind! So I’m afraid to go back to work and risk my hand again when it’s starting to feel better. 🥺 I don’t have any doctors note, and in order to get one I need to make an appointment to see my primary doctor. So, I’m in bit of a pickle. I don’t want to quit, but at the same time I don’t know what else to do. Im Definitely going to have to think about this one. But happy that its nothing g major. I’ve also got some blood work done to see if I’m deficient in anything that can also be related to my hand. But have to wait for results for that.

i appreciate all your guys support for this. I can’t thank you enough for the love and kind words, and even gifts 🥺💕

Im hoping to get back to my normal self soon. I LOVE YOU ALL ❤️




Let me tell you from personal experience. Take care to recover above all else. I have a case of tendonitis from restaurant work and I did not give it the chance to heal properly. It still bothers me years after the fact.


Do follow Timmainsson advice and give the hand the time needed to recover. If you ruin your hand by continuing to work in a way that puts too much strain on the tendons and nerve sheaths and the cartilage in the carpal tunnel you'll only set yourself up to have to have more extensive medical surgical procedures to correct it later. As an artist who draws, colors, and paints your livelihood comes from your hands . Protect them. Get that doctor's note and talk to your boss. If he can't accommodate you better to find a new job than ruining your hands.


Thanks so more much for the input, ❤️ I definitely had to think of what I wanted to do, I completely agree with both you guys! I’m going to see and talk to my doctor to see I can get disability, at least I can get some money if it does work out. But if not I rather loose a job than loose my talent. I appreciate the support, and your comments. I’ll have an appointment soon to see what I can do and what my options are. I’ll most likely give an update on what happens when I speak with my doctor.