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This month I've shifted my work toward new directions and I've found it hard to share progress in a normal way, so here's a comprehensive list of what has been going on.

First of all, I've been working for a few months on a new game project, Beast Summoner, of which you can see a sneak peek in the thumbnail of this post. It's a unabashed adult game where the player, after inheriting a summoning crypt quite below demonic safety standard, is tasked to turn demons into profit by the extraction of their... precious fluids. The game will mix actual lore from the Ars Goethia, a heavy dose of tongue in cheek humor, and hellish lewdness.

The game sports my visual novel engine with a full 3D presentation powered by Unity's HDRP's advanced rendering, a fantastic guest writer, and a custom character creator module of my design. If this sounds like a lot of work... it is! More details about this project will be posted in the upcoming months

On top of powering this project, the character creation engine will also star in a second project in game development, this time a collaboration with the furry game dev Tyranno (of Mutant Alley's fame), but I'll leave any detailed announcement about this project to a later date. 

Wait, two game dev announcements? Well there is no two without three: I'm also creating art for an early prototype of an interactive novel written by MinoAnon, of Minotaur Hotel's fame, a souls-eque pastiche that will deal with some heavy hitting themes.

Concepts and WIPS for those projects will now follow.




Geezus you're a madman! No wonder you've been so busy. Not just doing a 3-D game but collaboration with a 3-D indie game developer on another game but also work on art for a visual novel? But on top of that commissions as well? Impressive.