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I noticed you just enrolled on the art tutoring tier, so here's a brief introduction on how it is going to work, but first of all: thanks for your patronage and for trying this out :)

This tier includes two benefits: first, a one-to-one talk where we discuss your work and how it can be pushed in the direction you're aiming at, and second, two weeks later, a review of your finished works or exercises to help strengthen it.

What is needed for the talk: 
- You can link to me a sample of your recent work. Feel free to pick the pieces you feel more confident about, it's to help me to get a general idea of your current skill set.

- Link me an art piece that represents your goals, something that made you scream "THIS is what I want to be able to do!", we all have at least one of those. In fact, in reality, we have dozens, hundreds of those, but I still want you to focus on only one to make it clear, both to me and yourself, what is that you want to achieve FIRST, what you care the most about.

-Finally, after you've sent the material as of above, you can schedule an hour for the talk here: https://alpha0.zohobookings.eu
You'll be asked: your Patreon handle (to check if you're a real patron); an email address (optional); a phone number (ignore it and leave it blank); if you want the lesson to be private, or if you're fine having it be an open talk on my Discord server; and finally confirm you're 18+ as for legal requirements.

The talk will happen on Discord, with live voice (you're free to type if you don't want to talk). I will stream my canvas to show the concepts I'm talking about, and I'd love to be able to see your canvas too to see if you're following well or I'm going too fast.

-Around two weeks after the talk, feel free to send to me all the artwork, you've been doing in the meantime, both complete or specific exercises, and if needed I'll give some suggestions based on what I see to improve the results.

For any questions, problems or any doubt let me know and I'll be happy to help!
Published: 2021-10
Ok I took a look, and I feel you're at the perfect level where I can help :)

To me it looks like you want to get the hangs of volume and realistic lighting, so, after a brief brush-off of proportions and volumes I think i'll go over the fundamentals of painting. 

If you're not already on it (are you jking1200?), log in into my discord server( you should get a link through Patreon), we're going to have our session on there. I'll let other people know, I guess it's a topic that will interest many.

See you monday :)
Published: 2021-10