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Hey everyone! Welcome to episode 2 of the No Cartridge Leftist Book Club, in which I do my very best to work out the concepts of use-value, exchange-value, socially necessary labor-time, and social division of labor, all while feeling grateful we did the Hegel so we can have our fun with the Marx today. Come for the analysis, stay to hear me get impassioned about capitalist excesses and injustices!

As before, this is a weekly bookclub that will come out every Wednesday. You can read along if you'd like or you can just enjoy the ride -- it's up to you! Next week's section will be the rest of Chapter 1 (the commodity fetish and the money form specifically), and it's all for 1 dollar or more a month. Costs, of course, are simply forms of appearance of value, so if you need a comradely hand, DM at hegelbon and I'll see you next week!



Conor O'Sullivan

Hey, I'm late on this but thanks so much for recording these! I've always found Marx too intimidating to read by myself and I think you're tackling it in a really accessible and interesting way. I'm now reading Kapital thanks to this podcast and I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series!