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I'm happy to introduce No Cartridge's long awaited Leftist Book Club, in which I give my takes on famous and (sometimes) not so famous left literature. To begin with, we're working our way through the granddaddy of them all in Das Kapital vol 1, and this week we delve into the structure of the NCLBC itself as well as the nature of appearance in Marx, and how this informs his engagement with Hegel. That's right, we get VERY Hegelian this week. 

This NCLBC is communal, so please feel free to ask me questions, issue challenges, or call me a shill @hegelbon on twitter, or at nocartridgeaudio@gmail.com -- I'll answer what I can! And, since we are all lefties here, this part of the podcast will be available at any pledge of a dollar and up. If you know someone who wants to listen but can't afford it, please just let me know. I want some repayment because it's quite an undertaking, but this is a passion project too and people deserve to talk about this stuff without money interfering. 

Thanks everyone, and I'll see you same Marx place, same Marx time next week as we tackle the whole of Chapter 1: The Commodity.



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