Physics Mod Pro V171 - Minecraft 1.21.1 + Crash Fixes (Patreon)
Yesterday Minecraft 1.21.1 was announced to fix some critical bugs. As of my current tests the 1.21 physics mod version should work fine. I've also included some fixes related to snow third person view crashes and others. The NeoForge version now supports the Sodium 0.6 + Iris 1.8 alpha releases. For Fabric please stick to Sodium 0.5 + Iris 1.7 for now until the new versions are officially released. Thanks for your support and have a nice day! <3
UPDATE (a): Fixed freeze when cutting vine/hanging sign
Every support to upkeep the development is much appreciated!
Tested Setups:
Liquid Physics V2 Supported Shaderpacks:
Physics Mod Pro Information: