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It's time for 1.21 👀. The most important change is that shaderpack creators are now able to add custom ocean shader files like for distant horizons (more details for shaderpack creators can be found here: https://github.com/haubna/PhysicsMod ). Thanks for your support and have a nice day! <3

UPDATE (a): Fixed a crash in the main physics menu
UPDATE (b): Added support for Complementary Unbound r5.2
UPDATE (c): Fixed weather particles not displaying in snow/desert biomes
UPDATE (d): Fixed a JVM crash caused by smoke shader compilation

Every support to upkeep the development is much appreciated!

Tested Setups: https://minecraftphysicsmod.com/installation

Liquid Physics V2 Supported Shaderpacks: https://pastebin.com/BHJv430d

Physics Mod Pro Information: https://pastes.io/elo24p93xo




org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.IllegalClassLoadError: Illegal classload request for net.diebuddies.mixins.iris.MixinExtendedShaderAccessor. Mixin is defined in physicsmod.mixins.json and cannot be referenced directly, is the error I get trying to play with DH...


Please report the issue on my github page with the full crash log, I will have a look at it.

Nikk Mann

Not sure if this is on you or the shaderpack, but NostalgiaVX has a bug when it comes to rendering the snow from physics mod. The snow will be basically always be unlit/look as if it is in shadow. Any fixes?

Ava Beech

i dont get it the mod isnt working at all for me ive tried everything it wont work


amazing mod, keep working on it!