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I can't think of anything better. Always a new adventure. Always some crazy shit to get into. It never got old. 




I’m a city kid and I’d still marry you. In my fantasy life.

Josh Radermacher

Farms/Ranches are where it’s at. Grew up outside Atlanta but my family has a ranch in Colorado, a ranch in Washington and a farm in Missouri. Spent lots of time at those places growing up. Life goals to live on a ranch out west. Always better than the damn cities


I worked on a farm, hauling beats and barley, a few summers ago. That life is truly underrated. It's really hard work, long hours, and trying to constantly stay on top of things, but you're right though, it is an adventure. I will always respect those that farm, as they truly are the lifeblood of America. The pay was good too. Lol


A lot more freedoms for sure. Definitely more laid back like here in Texas. Keep up the good stuff country girl!!

Der Krien

Just true. I love it to living in the country


Growing up in the country is quite the best place to grow up

Travis A.

Don’t know anything about farms because I grew up in the concrete jungle lol

Mitch Lutterman

You couldn’t pay me to live in a city. I’d go crazy. I don’t like people that much