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It has been a rough month, playing catch up on all fronts, but I've already adressed this in a previous post.

The post-work (adding text and so on) has taken much longer than expected and took me pretty much all evening and night.  It got a bit faster towards the end.  I just need to find all those people something to say in the comments ;)

Set 37 is done rendering, just need to do post-work on it tomorrow.

Set 39 is rendering at the moment but has only 2 characters for most of its duration and pretty much just one environment, so it should be a quick one to knock out. (read: before next weekend, ideally in 3-4 days)



i got it, Thank you :)


So far you'e never been late with posting anything and since you've kept us up-to-date on why it's taking long, I think us regular costumers can wait a few days longer. You know what they say: "More haste, less speed". We'll be happy bunny when we see the end result and hopefully everything will work out. I hope I'm making sense, English is not my native tongue. :-P