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Once I get to this part of development where I know I'm getting closer to the end, I make a  list of things I need to do before it's all done.

Some weeks you get a lot of things crossed off the list, but this week was all about doing the work for a lewd scene. As you know, animation work takes quite a bit of time to render - normally ranging from half a day to two days for each animation - so in the end, I only got one thing crossed off the list this week.

But it's still progress, and the numbers are now at 2,505 story renders and 11,966 frames of animation. That also means that right now there are more animations in u4ia episode 2 than there were in episode 1, and the number of story renders are higher than they were for the last chapter of LoF, which so far has been my biggest release.

tl;dr, I'm getting there. But not quite close enough to give a release date.

Have a nice weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




I finally got into the first chapter of u4ia and . . . Great work on choices and different subtle things coming from them. Side note: Shoes. Love the cameo of the shoes and how much they trigger memories from The work of art known as Leap of Faith.


Hi Drifty, Just curious; are you planning on making some kind of 'official' walk-through? You have created so many options in this game that I haven't even reached 75% of all screens. Also apparently I keep missing some options as I understand from the summery at the end of the chapter... And I do not want to! ;) Thanks for the game.


Yes, just like with Leap of Faith, I'll complete the walkthrough when the first 4 episodes completes season 1.


To clarify, I was waiting, because I get impatient with small tastes of games, so I was waiting until I thought we were closer to chapter 2. I think the same care is coming into this game for the characters and I love that.