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Holy shit, it's the middle of September already.

I did mostly animations this week. More than 1k animated frames and some 75-ish story renders. I'll shift back and forth between story renders and animations now for the remaining scenes.

There's still a lot to do, so there's no immediate release, but I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I also spent a full day re-shading the female genitalia assets I'm using, and it was time well spent. The results are amazing, and for the first time, I have a full range of options when it comes to different wetness and colorizing options. And, with the added bonus of you guys not having to see exactly the same stuff you see in every AVN.

Concerning the music issue I mentioned last week, I'm happy to say it's been solved, and I don't have to remove any music used in the first episode of u4ia. I am also in the process of securing rights to use a music library that has more music than I'll ever need, and I'll probably bust the bank to secure a 10-year deal with them, but it's absolutely worth it.

Hopefully, the paperwork and licensing will be done by next week, as I've already used one of their songs in the sneak peek video, and am waiting to get the OK to release it.

The preview this week is so lewd I've decided to keep it as an attachment only. View on your own discretion.

Finally, I don't think I say this all that often, but I should. Thank you for the support! It gives me the tools to make a better game. I know there are some time between releases, but I promise you I'm putting all I can into them, and I'd hate to do partial releases, rather than being able to present the story the way I envision it in full episodes. Any day between releases means more content because I am literally working on this every single day. So again, thank you!

Cheers, everyone. Have a nice weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




If you create it, we will buy it... :) Take your time and make sure you take care of you during the process, don't burn yourself out.


Glad to hear you're still doing well, Drifty! Don't worry about losing patrons due to long content droughts. There are some of us who stay subscribed for exactly that reason. Big episodic releases feel so nice to play. Nobody wants to read a book one page a day...