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It's that time of the week again, and I'll try to keep it short although there are some important things going on right now.


Numbers so far are at 2,116 story renders and 8,461 animated frames and my NAS server tells me it's 50GB of raw data. All of those images are denoised, manually post-edited, resized, and saved in the correct format. I expect the story renders to go beyond the 3,000 mark, and animated frames to double, and that's before I even start the crossover scenes.


This music thing that has haunted me earlier, continues to do just that. For u4ia episode 1, I contacted Storyblocks and got the go-ahead to use songs from their library in the game, knowing it was an adult game. I very much wanted to buy a business/enterprise license (as terms and legal implications are slightly different), and at the start, they were hesitant to give the okay for that, but in the end, they agreed.

So when I contacted them again before the actual release, they had changed their mind and outright denied me a business/enterprise license. It was already too late to change all the tracks that were already in the game, and their current license terms did not mention 'adult content' in any way, so with that and the previous okay I was given, I decided to go ahead and use them.

On September 1st, they updated their terms, banning adult content. Now, it's still not all the way bad for me, as they have given me the go-ahead to continue to use the music I've already put in the game, as long as it was released before the license terms changed (Sept 1st), but I have to make sure that also goes for a Steam release (depending on what they count as an actual release date).

Any way you look at it, it's still expensive and a time-consuming job to replace all the music, but that might be the best way for me to move forward. I'll keep you updated.

It's not all bad though. Doing good progress otherwise, and enjoying all these girls in the story. Very much looking forward to presenting the episode to you when it's done.

Enjoy Evangeline having a nice dip and the sun if you still have some remains of summer where you are.

Have a nice weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




I see the never-ending battle for music licensing continues.. Sorry to hear it causes such a headache for you. It's a real shame too - I've discovered many great composers and bands thanks to AVN music (especially with games like LoF). I hope you'll be able to figure something out, perhaps with some of the artists directly, to keep the great tunes coming. Still, it's ridiculous that it involves so much effort, time and money. Thanks Drifty, your efforts are appreciated. Take care! :)


Indeed, the amount of wasted time and money, and the pain and the frustration it causes in the world of AVNs is beyond belief. I wonder if that will ever change. Unfortunately, too many similar posts have destroyed what little hope I had in the past. It simply sucks.


This prejudice against adult content creators is frustrating. I guess the average person doesn't know what AVNs are and that they are a perfectly valid storytelling medium in which the adult content is just one (albeit crucial) facet of the game. That they can tell intelligent, sensual and touching stories. Instead, "dirty porn" is probably what immediately springs to those people's minds and they don't want to be associated with that in any way... I feel like music libraries are a lost cause. Unfortunate, because contacting and negotiating with scores of musicians is very cumbersome and time-consuming, but it does seem to be the safest option. Here's hoping you can find some open-minded artists who will help make u4ia's soundtrack as memorable as Leap of Faith's!