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This had been another week spent in Ren'Py improving the general look and feel of the game. It's slightly annoying having to do these things and it is the only time during development I wish I could clone myself and do several things at once. But then again, it's something I only have to do once, and they will last the full game.

Overall, I have added more than 300 ui elements so far, and I'm starting to see the end of it. 3/4 free-roams are done, and the phone is taking shape. I know that there are mixed feelings about an in-game phone, and I've addressed the criticism of the LoF phone and made a much better notification system. The phone will also be disabled while out of free-roams, so you can enjoy the story first and foremost in those parts.

I've also added a general 'quality of life' improvement to the phone that will help you sort your saves. In the contacts list of the phone, you can favorite a girl, and that girl will be added to your save-file screenshot (see below). This way you no longer have to write a save-game name showing which girl(s) that save focuses on.

For next week, I'll finish up the phone. That's mostly in-game texting, a decent music player, and a way for you to organize music for none pivotal game scenes. In addition to that, I'll work on the last free-roam. When the phone and roam is done, I can finally focus on the remaining renders and animations, and by then I should be able to start figuring out a release date.

In other words, there's still a bit to do, but the list of things to do does shrink every week. Honestly, I can't wait to show you what I've been working on for 5 months now, and hopefully it will be worth the wait.

Have a nice weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




Great idea with the save-file screenshots. Overall, this looks quite good and easy to use.


Amazing work! Excited for this one. Any plans to release this on Steam like LoF?


That's neat af, never even considered putting the LI focus on a save visually to keep track of paths.


There better be bunny slippers! jk Cheers!

Jay Masters

Favoriting a girl for save easy sorting is nice.


Nice the new save feature, Drifty. Always hard to remember who the girl was on that save !


As others have said, that's a really neat idea about the fav girl tied to the save file. Some games insist on having a user hostile interface that discourages multiple playthroughs... Small things like this are definitely a step in the right direction! Also, excited about the music player and the option to organize tracks. Another welcome addition contributing to replayability. Looking forward to try the first chapter!

Twisty Ninja

Haven't seen that sort of save feature done before. Talk about making it convenient for us as players to keep track of which saves are which without having to have long save names for each LI. UI just keeps looking better and better. Thanks for all the hard work Drifty, enjoy your weekend!


Love to see the improvements. This game will be a hit, im sure