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I saw a question last week about the music and if I would use artists from the LoF soundtrack in u4ia. I'm having talks with a few of those artists, and they will be included for u4ia with new songs. Although, for the most part, the new game will have music from artists not connected to LoF.

For actual progress, I've spent almost all my time in Ren'Py. My head and eyes are adapting to the more complex scripting, and all in all it's fun to expand a bit upon the normal 'dialogue and choices'.

My current render-queue has finished rendering, but I keep adding some renders here and there as I transfer the script into Ren'Py.

I've completed the main UI parts, and there's a preview below (gif bonked the quality, but you get the general idea).

There's still a lot to do in Ren'Py apart from the actual dialogue/choices/scenes game script. This week I'll continue to work on those. That includes a new gallery for the collectibles (you should be able to spot one of them below), a new phone with new apps, a new replay feature, and finalizing the roam system.

The reason I'm spending a bit of time on this is that I know that from the moment episode one is out, I'll have my hands full rendering for several years and would like to have the main focus on doing that.

Oh, and before I forget. You do not have to worry about the phone out of the roam events, and it will have a better notification system.

I did mention earlier that I wanted to include UI art/fonts/screens for 4k screens, but I had to abandon that. As you can see from the images below, changing the resolution will give me quite a lot to adjust. And while it's technically possible to make a 4k version of the UI, it would be both time-consuming to make, and very demanding on your system to have Ren'Py resize every image on-demand while playing. My time is better spent elsewhere.

To end with some non-development stuff... Today is exactly 7 years since I got pretty much the worst phone call I have ever gotten. So we're doing our yearly tradition of gathering the family and walking over 'that bridge'. Can't believe it's been 7 years already, but it's all about getting together, with the good memories, and good stories to share in good company. And last but not least throw 'her' a pack of cigarettes over the railing just for the quirkiness of it (she was a smoker). One of my biggest fears was that she would be forgotten by all as the years passed. Thanks to you guys, she won't. That gives me more reason to smile than you'll ever imagine.

Take care everyone, enjoy your weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




I'm sorry that you have such an anniversary. I am thinking of you. I caught LoF late, but it has had a great effect on me. Here's to you and, of course, C.

Eric V

Thinking of you all today... !

Shane Ducharme

Blessing to you and yours today and always Drifty! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story and your amazing work with us all!


I'm surprised that RenPy doesn't support scaling UI. Vector art and relative locations or something. That's too bad. I hope there will be an Android version because that's my primary platform for RenPy games.


Great to see the progress of your new game Drifty looks amazing so far. Must be a difficult walk for you and your family to do, sending my love to you all. ❤️


Thanks for the update! And bless you and your family for your anniversary!


I admire your positive attitude on such a date. I wish you and your family all the best.

Jay Masters

Cheers to you and your family Drifty. Your story will never be forgotten. For the game design I do ask is the phone going to be used the same like in LOF with dialog clues? Like when getting a clue to download a Lexi song and another clue to connect to the plane sound system?


Thank you for everything you've done and all the best to you and your family.

Twisty Ninja

The more you show us the UI, the better it continues to look! Makes sense you'd want to have everything related to the UI and other features taken care of before hand. Can't wait until we all get to experience your newest game! Wishing you and your family nothing but the best during this difficult time of the year for y'all. Take care.


Hey Drifty, you mentioned in a dev post that the LOF potential movie rights were being discussed or at least an option. If that happens, is there any possibility that the singer for Lexi could stay the same? Maybe different songs but man she has a great voice whoever she is.


I so hope they make a movie of LOF, I mention in my reviews this game is good enough to be a lifetime movie.