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Ready, set, test!

The first week of u4ia work, and I'm very happy with the progress.

Some weeks I can't really reference numbers, as it's mostly prep work, and that goes for this week.

I've done a lot of test-renders to determine the art style of u4ia, been fiddling with the UI, game elements, taken some Python classes over at Udemy, and upgraded the models to fit the new art style.

It took me two full days to look into model improvements and test them under different conditions such as lighting and wetness, but I'm very pleased with how they turned out. The biggest change you can't even see until we reach the lewd scenes, where they really shine.

Here's a quick sneak peek of Celeste.

"Celeste is a woman with a goal. Nothing means more to her than that goal, and she will do absolutely everything humanly possible to reach it. She couldn't care less about love. Though, someone might have to show her that there's a possibility that she can't reach that goal on her own."

Right now I'm trying to build up a decent render queue, so my computers have something to do while I look into the Ren'Py part, build a UI and redesign the menu.

Job changes

And now that one Leap of Faith is completed, it's also time for me to take another one. I delivered my resignation notice at my normal job yesterday. Unfortunately, due to the nature of my job and current contract, I still have three months before I can call myself a full-time developer, but come January 1st I can finally focus on this 100%.

Again, I have to give you my heartfelt thanks for your support along the way. 

Patreon changes

From tomorrow, the 1st of October, I will activate the new Patreon feature - Subscription Billing. That means, from that moment, anyone supporting me will be charged on the day they sign up, and then again every month you stay a patron (for example, if you join or upgrade on the 10th, you will be charged again on the 10th of next month). You existing patrons will still be billed on the 1st as usual.

I believe this is much fairer than the existing '1st of the month' billing, and I have been waiting for this to be launched since when it was first mentioned about 18 months back.

Have a nice weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




Congratulations on the job change and keep up the excellent work!


Congrats, that's really awesome!


Let’s goooooooo! Thank you for all your hard work, I look forward to seeing the progress and changes you make for U4IA!

Eric V

You have made the right decision with your job. Leap of faith showed us and you that your an artist, not just a developer. Writing, coding and imagination are what drive you to make such wonderful visual novel. Keep up the good work. You got my support my friend !

Shane Ducharme

Congrats Drifty and looking forward to all your future projects! Cheers!

Yehudah Davis

Can't wait for this game LOF is my top 3 of avn titles i bet this one will make that list as well

Jason Chandler

I'm looking forward to another immersive experience. I might just wait til it's complete, tho. LoF is one of the best, but the wait between chapters dulled it a bit. I'll still subscribe, though.


I thought you already full time dev'd honestly lol. Congrats!

Jay Masters

Congrats of going full time soon!

Charles S

Drifty, I played my first adult themed VN a few weeks ago by chance (I was bored with playing the same old same old video games). I enjoyed it and thought I would search out another one, so I came across LoF about a week ago. I didn't just enjoy LoF, I'm obsessed with it, so much so that I've already played through numerous variations (tree branches) for all the girls (aside from Linda, Kira (by herself) and Robin (by herself). The story (despite a few minor issues) is fantastic. Fron an emotional standpoint I'm not sure any game has touched my heart more, at least nothing that I can think of right now. I really needed this. So what I'm trying to say is, you have my support. Produce your art ... and as much fun as the adult aspect of the game might be, it's the story and depth of emotions which it generates that will determine its greatness. Cece will always be with me.


Suggestion: Could you make it so that there isn't a text box?


If you are talking about in the game there is a way to hide the text box. I forget the actual hotkey, but look in preferences.