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Nothing too important to report this week, and that's always a good thing. It means things have been running smoothly.

There's progress on all fronts, stills, animations, music, and scripting and I'm crossing out things on my bullet list one after another.

I mentioned last week I wanted to complete most parts except the concert, and I'm almost there. I still have lots to do on the concert scene but I had to do some tinkering with a Daz script that was no longer working. It was a really old and out-of-date script that I managed to get working with 8.1 characters, which will save me a lot of time in the remaining weeks.

I've also been rendering the teaser for my next game, which you can see a bit of above. So enjoy this little teaser of the teaser. Some of the girls you've seen before, some are new. Synne, Celeste, Paige, and Siwan.

This week, my company also was approved by Apple as a verified developer, so things are looking good for the iOS release.

I've also been looking into the Unreal Engine as a potential engine for a game. I would love to make something in the style of Life is Strange, but also realize that big projects like my next game/VN will at some point require thousands of renders to give you the kind of branching I want to give you. A simplified 3d environment will be able to recreate Daz quality renders in real time, and could potentially be an enormous development time saver for the later parts of a branching VN/story. Anyway, I feel it's worth looking into.

Have a nice weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty



Albert O

That sounds interesting.


There's a reason the Honey Select AVN devs are so goddamn fast, it's all in-engine and basically just screenshots. If you can make it work, why not try.

Bob Fink

How did you get Apple to approve nudity? Normally that has been a big road block for them.


Thanks for the teaser for your next game. I haven’t the slightest clue what it will be about but I’ll be playing it for sure. Leap of Faith is absolutely marvelous so I am sure what you have planned next will be great too. Exciting to hear it will be available on iOS, being able to play it on my iPad Pro sounds awesome. Keep up the great work Drifty!


Thanks for the teaser 😃 looking forward for it!


Golden hour :D