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Cece figurine

First of all, everyone who ordered a Cece figurine should have gotten a PM from me with the postal tracking information. I believe some of you have already received the figurine by now. If you haven't got the tracking code, please send me a message.

Unfortunately, for those ordering from Australia, they didn't offer express shipping, so delivery might take a bit of time. But keep checking the tracking link and let me know if things take too long.

Steam delisting

Next, both I and the missus would like to extend our gratitude for the support you've given me since the Steam delisting. I've read all your post comments and your individual messages and it's been nothing short of heartwarming.

Some of you even raised your pledge to support me. And even though I'm extremely grateful for it, I hope you didn't feel that my last post was me begging for more economical support. If any of you who raised your pledge felt it was a heat of the moment thing that you regretted afterward, feel free to contact me for a refund. No hard feelings or questions asked.

Concerning the Steam de-listing, I have some good news. I've had talks with Artlists legal department this week, and they praised my quick actions to their request, and for my reaching out to them. They have also stated that they will not be pursuing this any further, are not seeking financial compensation, and sees this as a closed case.

With that statement, it should mean there's nothing holding Steam/Valve back from re-inserting LoF to the Steam store listing, but so far I haven't got any feedback at all from them. But no matter what happens, for you that own the game on Steam, you will get the 8th and final chapter update through Steam, as long as I'm not locked out of the app admin in any way.

Once Steam gets back to me I'll do an announcement on the Leap of Faith community page on Steam.


I have to admit that due to the Steam business, there's not been a lot of LoF work done this week. I had some animations prepared for rendering and that's mainly what's been running. I can't give you any numbers as new renders are spread out between two PCs, but I'll get everything merged by next Friday's dev diary and give you a full update on the progress.

All in all, the week started badly, and although there are still some questions, it's looking better now.

I think it's safe to say that today I'll be lowering my shoulders a bit. Who knows, I might even be pouring myself a Mega-Pint, as it should be fitting for the occasion.

Again, thank you for your support. Best wishes for the weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty



Really glad to hear things are settling down with steam. You didn't deserve all this shit.


So glad things are working out for you! You deserve all the support for making such a beautiful game.

Jay Masters

Excellent news to hear today! Glad that they won’t be pursuing this. It was a real terrible thing for them to do the claim in the first place but glad it’s resolved.


Hey Drifty, No it did not came as begging for support. I raised my level simply because I want to support a d value good work, and because I thought you deserve it. You pour a lot of heart, sweat and probably tears Into it. No refund thank you :) I am glad it could be solved, and I look forward to what you will create in the future.


Good to hear the ArtList situation is resolved. Hopefully Steam will step up and get you relisted soon. Playing LoF with a new (or mostly new) soundtrack will be jarring at first. But you obviously have a great ear for picking music to fit the story and scenes, so I'm nothing if not confident what eventually goes in will be incredible. Enjoy your Mega-pint. You deserve it.

Michael Oppenheimer

I have to admit, I will be keeping my Chapter 7 Folder after I get Chapter 8 for nostalgic purposes, but I really enjoyed the music you chose and I expect I'll enjoy the updated soundtrack. Crossing fingers for your return to Steam.


make sure you get some down time too. Don't want you to burn out


No one shall steal your music from my machine!!!

Stuart Dollar

I finally played Chapters 1-7 last night. I found myself blinking back tears at the end of Chapter 6. So damn good. I'm seriously hoping Steam reconsiders their stance given that you are clearly one of the good folks fixing the problem, which stemmed from a very understandable misunderstanding. This game deserved a wider audience. I'm in for $5 a month regardless and look forward to the last Chapter.