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Finally, I was able to get a full week of work where I turned off all distractions.

I've been working on the first of the girls endings and progress is going well. I've focused on animations mostly, but also story renders to get things stitched together.

For numbers, we're at 163 story renders and 1,288 animated frames.

I'd like to give you a little rundown of how chapter 8 is developed, so you get some idea of the workload remaining.

About 60% of this last chapter is dedicated to the girls and their endings. Right now I'm working on the first girl, which means I'm just at the starting pit. But every ending contains scenes with at least one more girl, meaning when I start working on the next girl I'll have a bit of work already completed before branching out the different paths.

By doing it this way, all the endings will take less time than making all the scenes separately, and should give you a satisfying end no matter who's the girl and your choosing, and add a lot to replayability.

A little sidenote to end this, there was another Covid outbreak at my son's class at his school yesterday. This probably doesn't mean much, as it's happened a few times before and we've steered clear of it, but this time it was three people infected, all of which he's been interacting with. So, fingers crossed.

Have a nice covid-free weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty


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