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Hey everyone...

Our car got hit by another car today (we weren't in the car at the time and we are okay) and it took up a majority of our time today and caused us to have to switch around the schedule.  Vinland will be posted today since we already had it filmed and Made in Abyss will be posted this weekend.  

Thanks yall!   



Glad to hear y’all are safe!


Glad your both safe thats whats important

Tim Xi

Happy you’re okay! Hopefully that car issue isn’t too annoying for you guys!

Marvel Fan

Glad you're okay! Always be careful and stay safe!

Ross E

That's always so annoying. I've had cars hit three times in parking lots when I wasn't in them.

Umaid W Qureshi

Hoping your car gets fixed soon.


Good thing you two are ok. Hoping you car get's fixed soon.