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Come join us as we talk mostly about the latest GPU launches and all the issues surrounding them.

Replay will be available at the same link when we are done in case you miss us


November 2020 Live Stream



I would really like to hear your thoughts on the M1 in general. How is the M1 going to change the future of CPUs? What do you think AMDs response will be to it? (I suppose—as things are at the time being—that we can just disregard Intel completely. Oh, but they do have a fancy blue tittle now …)


I just bought a MacBook Air M1, I'm a developer and can say that the benefits on battery and performance are real specially in performance per watt (specially in CPU only workloads) But the graphics performance is alright, is 30% higher than my 2400G and it really depends of the game. And on AI workloads is equivalent to MX330... so a GTI 1060 is like 10x faster, but it might be that the current frameworks are under optimized but still... I really want to see is the possible 5400G at the beginning of next year. What is worrying as you mention is Intel, what will be their answer...


Just joined the Patreon and watching back episodes.... "Wouldn't it be funny if Cyberpunk sucked..." Ouch. ;)