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My lips locked with hers, and the moment I did so Myrina flung into action.

To say that Myrina was an active kisser would be like saying Sharky was a bit hungry. I felt her tongue slide past mine as she grabbed the back of my head.

She pulled herself up my torso, locking her legs behind my back.

I stumbled backward and eventually fell on my ass with Myrina on top of me. We held that position for several long moments, locked in a deep kiss.

Myrina finally let me up, now crouched over me with her legs on either side of my chest. She leaned close, then whispered huskily into my ear. "I'm going to ride you until we crack the floor beams beneath us."

I laughed. Myrina was joking. The floor was held up by the massive wooden pillars originally cut to make my giant trebuchets. Cracking them would take even more force than hurtling a ninety-kilogram projectile over three hundred meters.

"You're joking, right?" I smiled, laugh still in my lips.

Myrina's expression was dead serious as she grabbed my shirt and ripped it in two with nothing but her bare hands. Her expression was that of a lioness with her prey in sight.

I wriggled my way out of my pants before she tore those apart as well. It was hard to get good jeans after the apocalypse.

Myrina grabbed my cock with even more ferocity than I'd remembered from Sakura and Bridget during our first times. I was already hard for her, and she wrapped her fingers around my length and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Your real magic wand," Myrina giggled. "Bridget and Sakura told me all about it."

"Careful with that," I chuckled in reply. "That thing's a dangerous weapon."

"I defeated a one-eyed serpent of the forest before. But a one-eyed serpent of the trousers is new to me." She gave me another squeeze. "But I'm up for the challenge."

In one smooth motion, Myrina reached for her clothes. The thin silk dress she was wearing tore in her grip. Suddenly she was naked, as though she always had been. I suddenly realized my Amazonian warrior hadn't been wearing any underwear.

Still holding my cock in her free hand, she positioned it at her opening and slid it in.

"Oh System..." Myrina moaned as I slid inside her.

"Holy fuck..." My fingers dug into Myrina's thighs. The walls of her pussy were even tighter than her balled fist. Apparently superhuman strength applied to every part of the body.

I was suddenly very glad the two of us had waited. If I'd accepted Myrina's advances when I first arrived on Themyscira, her Strength stat probably would have been enough to burst a blood vessel in my cock.

Myrina rocked herself back and forth. It was an unfamiliar motion for her, at first it felt more like she was riding me like a pillow than bouncing up and down on my cock.

I grabbed her hips to give her a hand. I shifted my weight and thrust upward with each rocking motion until she started getting the hang of things. Her breaths came faster and faster by the moment.

She reached for my hands on her thighs and placed her hands on top of them. She stared me intently with an expression of loving adoration. Hers was an obvious and unabashed affection that made no attempt to hide itself. She’d been waiting for this for a long time.

And, I realized in that moment, so had I.

I felt her start to tremble deep in her core. She bit her lip and then suddenly let out a lengthy moan as she climaxed on top of me.

You have drained a level from Myrina Samhain!

You have gained 3 levels.

The notification surprised me. Normally, I was on the other end of this relationship, with a level for me taking multiple levels from Bridget or Sakura. But that was because I was higher leveled than either of them.

Here, it was the opposite. Myrina was higher leveled than I was, and so just one level from her meant multiple levels for me.

You have drained 3 levels from Myrina Samhain!

You have gained 5 levels.

You have drained 2 levels from Myrina Samhain!

You have gained 3 levels.

When we started, Myrina had been level 73, and I had been level 59 in each my race and class. I’d leveled far faster than she had, and the gap had been narrowing rapidly. But in one swoop, now it was gone entirely.

Carter Smith (Human, Rank D)

Race: Homo Acceleratus (Rare – Level 65)

Class: Scholar of Forbidden Knowledge (Epic – Level 64)

At some point, Myrina must have shared her status screen with me, because her stats lay right next to mine.

Myrina Samhain (Amazonian, Rank D)

Race: Amazonian Matriarch (Mythic – Level 65)

Class: Amazonian Warchief (Epic – Level 66)

Suddenly, Myrina and I were closing in on each other in levels. Pretty soon we'd be equals in that respect, with the two of us standing on equal footing.

"More!" Myrina demanded.

"Myrina, you worked hard for these levels..." I cautioned. “And we’re finished. We’re already almost equal.”

"More! Must…not…win..." Myrina panted.

Myrina's pussy clamped down tight around me, and I felt for all the world like she was trying to wring me out. I groaned, back arching and eyes closing. I felt pressure build inside me, and I exploded deep within Myrina.

She threw back her head, hair tumbling free over her shoulders as she did so. We held hands for a long moment as I felt myself pump a hot and sticky load deep inside her.

"Damn." I chuckled. "Myrina, you really know how... to... ah..." I sucked in a breath as Myrina started rocking back and forth again. She wasn't done with me.

"More!" Myrina demanded. Her voice was tired now, and she seemed exhausted. But exhausted didn't mean she was ready to give up. The building swayed beneath us and some of the joints holding the floor to the pillars supporting the walls started to buckle.

Either I wasn't as good a carpenter as I thought, or we'd been going at it with a lot more force than I realized. I didn't realize until then that I'd been using the full might of my stats. And so had Myrina. Maybe we really would bring my nice new warehouse crashing down if this went on much longer.

"Ahh, Myrina, I need a minute," I pleaded. Even with the help of Fabulous Phallus, I needed a little while to recharge. But Myrina seemed like she didn't have that kind of patience. She was intent on milking me dry as quickly as possible.

By now, she'd no doubt, she'd probably gotten my Fabulous Phallus' unique titles and afflictions. Namely, the Nymphomaniac and cock addiction traits. And from what was happening right now, she deserved both. Between that and her own iron-willed determination, she wasn't going to let up unless I made her.

Fortunately, I had some experience with women who knew what they wanted and how to get it. The key was turning the tables on them in a way that still got them what they wanted. That way, they wouldn't resist the sudden shift.

"Myrina," I said, voice turning stern. That caught her attention again, though she continued to bounce on my hips riding the lingering waves of her last series of orgasms.

My stern words drew her gaze, and I used the opportunity to reach up and grab her shoulder. I leaned up and pulled her toward me, locking her into a kiss. She resisted for a moment, but when my lips brushed against hers she went still. For a moment she went limp in my arms, and I used that moment to roll my hips.

Now I was on top, and she was beneath me. She didn't notice the change of position in the slightest.

As we kissed, I reached down to her dripping slit. I'd been inside there moments ago, and a bit of my seed was leaking out of her.

I flicked my fingers across her sensitive clit. She was doing something similar to me, so she should get a taste of her own medicine.

She tilted her head back and moaned, but I merely went faster and faster. My pointer finger probed her entrance and teased at her most sensitive regions. Had I been in this situation a few months ago, I wouldn't have been able to manage this with the skill and speed necessary to keep Myrina from tackling me again.

But since then, I'd had a lot of practice with Sakura and Bridget. Myrina's legs kicked and bucked, but I pushed them wide again. She bit her lip to stifle her own moans as my fingers drove her wild.

And even still, she continued to murmur one word.


I shook my head. She definitely had the Nymphomaniac title now, assuming she didn't have it already. Good. While it made Bridget and Sakura a bit of a handful on occasion, the increased regeneration it granted them to stamina and health was a valuable asset. I only hoped I could eventually upgrade Fabulous Phallus so I could keep up with three Nymphomaniacs. Two were hard enough on my hips. Three was liable to land me in a walker by the time I hit fifty.

Nonetheless, as soon as I was ready to perform, I went back to giving Myrina what she'd been not-so-patiently waiting for. I spread her legs wide and pushed myself back inside her. She was warm, wet, tight, and as full of passion as she'd been when we started.

You have drained 1 level from Myrina Samhain!

You have gained 1 level.

As my overall level rose and Myrina's fell, the level exchange came closer to one to one. I slowed my pace down. Both our bodies were shiny with a thin film of sweat, and I unloaded myself a second time deep within Myrina.

"Mhommm..." Myrina mumbled, now face-down in a pillow. She was lucky I'd kept my bag of holding well stocked for Sakura and Bridget. Myrina had expected us to rut on the bare wooden floor like a pair of savages. Fortunately I had blankets and cushions aplenty.

She sounded like she might still be begging for more, but our levels were much closer to equal now. And I was more in the mood to hold her than to fuck her again.

"Maybe in a bit..." I muttered as I flopped down on the pillow next to her and wrapped my arm around her naked shoulder.

It felt good. Natural, even. This was something I hadn't realized how badly I'd been looking forward to. And from the way Myrina snuggled up against my chest, she'd been looking forward to it as well.

We lay there a while as a few minutes passed. I felt like drifting off into a nap, but I felt Myrina stirring in my arms. Was she up by the door? I heard a creaking noise, but when I opened my eyes Myrina was still in my arms.

"Ahem. I see the two of you had fun. But I hope you're both prepared for the consequences of what you just did."

I whirled, standing up straighter to see who'd just spoken. Standing in the doorway I saw Myrina's mother, Kyrina Samhain. The matriarch of the Samhain Clan.

"Ah crap." I moved to straighten my clothes, then remembered I wasn't wearing any.

Kyrina looked me up and down, nodding appreciatively. "You're better built than most spellcaster types. My daughter chose well. I hope she wasn't too rough with you."

I coughed as I awkwardly put on my pants in front of the mother of the woman I'd just fucked.

"Sorry, I didn't—"

Kyrina held up a hand. "Save it. This was Myrina's choice. I'm not here to chide you over it. I am however here for what you humans from Earth call a 'Shotgun Wedding.'"

"Come again?" I asked, surprise filling my voice as I pulled up my zipper.

"Myrina will soon be yours. Or you'll be hers, as we Amazonians prefer to look at it. But hiding out on your world will be a lot more effective if we make it known that she's yours officially. That requires a duel. A real duel, not the practice one you just fought. That was the reason Myrina came to you. Didn't she explain all this?" Kyrina raised an eyebrow at her daughter, who was naked and lying face-down in the sheets.

"Ah... we may have gotten a little ahead of ourselves back there..." I shrugged sheepishly. "But I'm not one to have my fun and flee. I'll take responsibility for my actions."

"Good. Technically, that was supposed to happen before all of this, but with your particular talent, we switched things around a bit." Kyrina wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Meanwhile, Cyra loomed over Myrina with her arms on her hips.

She poked Myrina in the side with the toe of her boot. A bit of my seed drizzled out of Myrina's perky ass.

"Get up, little sis. This is supposed to be your big day..." Cyra said. To me, she sounded like there was just a tiny bit of jealousy in there. "You've got a duel to lose."

Myrina rose shakily to her feet. I reached down and helped her up. She pulled me close to her side and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Carter, remember. Don't hold back."


As a little holiday gift to you guys, and to avoid breaking up the flow of the end of the novel, we won't be doing Tuesday and Thursday off this week. They'd break the flow of some important stuff, so we'll just be going straight though to the last chapter and the epilogue, which will both come out on the 28'th (this Thursday).



If you want a snapshot where he’s gained 11 and she’s lost 6 that would be Carter Race 66, Class 65 And Myrina. Race 70, Class 70. That would make both his gains and why she wants him to keep going make sense. Then we just need a snapshot of where they are as the duel begins to get the full picture.


Should we be aware of her reaction to his kiss as they flip to change positions? Is this a hint of the dude version of the Courtesan’s kiss power? How exactly did Lisette expect to program Bridget and Sakura into nannybot mode if she won?