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Hey guys,

I was planning on doing an epilogue for Amazon Apocalypse, but Spellheart was flowing surprisingly smoothly and I didn't want to mess with a good thing while I had it, so I just focused on that.

Here's Tivana to tide you all over for the day. I'm going to start editing the Spellheart chapters I've written this week. I may still need to take a break from regular posting or ease down the chapter publication rate for a bit, since the logistics of publishing a book is taking up a little time.

But I'll try and keep chapters coming out as regularly as feasible. The last Sunday Spellheart chapter should come out tomorrow. After that, we'll probably switch to Monday-Wednesday-Saturday like usual, with fourth and maybe fifth weekly chapters to be added as I get this other stuff out of the way and have more time to focus on just writing.

PS: Let me know if you have any favorite artists/artstyles you want me to check out. I've finally figured out how to fine tune models myself, so I will be making some special custom AIs. The plan is to find good art styles, generate work with them as a reference, then use the best of the generated art to fine tune an existing AI to produce exactly what I want (thigh-ups, nude and scantily clad semi-realistic female fantasy characters.)

Also let me know if there are any other characters you want to see.




These look great!!!! Looks like the first and second image might have an issue with Tivana’s right eye but the rest of it looks fantastic!!!!! You should definitely use some of this AI art for book covers!!!!! Absolutely love these!!!