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Thank you guys for reading Amazon Apocalypse!

The novel is in editing now and will hit Amazon soon!

I'm outlining book 2 now, so here's your chance to let me know what you'd like to see in book 2 (or future books beyond that!)

Spells you want to see more of? Parts of the world you want explored further? Favorite side characters? Backstories for Myrina, Sakura, or Bridget? What do you want to explore?

I will say right now that we'll be seeing more of the Amazonian Empire and Myrina in book 2, and that Carter will see more enemies across the shard. There will also be a lot more progress for the farmstead.

The remaining goblins may be a major or minor part of the story. It depends on whether Myrina's struggles can shape up into the main plot or remain a side plot.

I'm also going to aim to make future books a little smaller. This book was around the same size as a Paladin book, which I like, but they're tough for me to swing, especially on a tight publication schedule. Next book will probably be 3/4'ths this size because I'll have people waiting on the next book, and shaving off a month or so will make the books releases a lot more regular.

I'm trying not to keep people waiting too long for these things, since I did have a few people grumpy at the wait for Paladin 4, and more currently grumpy about the wait for Spellheart 9. Sorry! I'm working on it!

Anyway, here's your chance to make your thoughts known! What do you want to see in the next book?



Something else that i think would be interesting to see. Carter's current shard combining with another shard that has a medival type castle city that was able to withstand attacks and is still a functioning castle city with minimal loss of life to the occupants of that city.

Justin Webb

your work is great, look how many reviews Paladin has alone. I would rather the quality over quantity.


There will definitely be a medieval civilization that Carter encounters and gets merged with his shard. As to whether that civilization is human or not...