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Basically, it's like playing Dungeons and Dragons, only a little more freehand. The author controls the setting and all the characters, but readers have input on how the protagonist responds to what's going on in the story using polls and comments.

A quest might have a scene like:

"You walk into the bar and you see a blonde with shapely legs blowing a kiss at you, a redhead with blushing cheeks who gives you a wink, and a pale brunet who glances shyly in your direction before looking back to the ground.
As you stare at them, you feel your vampire/sorcerer/incubus powers gnawing at you. You're almost empty, and will need to feed soon. The hunters are after you, and you know one of these women is a trap. But you're hungry enough to take a chance."

Then I would have an after-chapter poll to vote on one of the women, and the next scene would depend on the top choice.

Other times we might have a scene like:

"You've secured the deed to your hilltop manor by enthralling the blonde beauty you met earlier, and now you can make the manor into your new hideout. But a 'trespassers keep out' sign isn't going to stop the Hunters of Evil. You'll need to fortify your position against them and any Zombieworld denizens that might come your way."

And I'd follow that up with a request for comments on what the protagonist should do, expecting responses like:

RidgedCockMaster69: "Get the blonde to board up the windows for us."

xxXAnalTyrantXxx: "Use your vampire/incubus powers to hex the gates in front of the manor to stun anyone sneaking in.

DemonTits4Us: "Use Facebook to find that shy brunet girl we left in the bar. She still needs a headpat :("

BigBrainBigDick: "Use the locket we found earlier to enhance our powers again so we can create another interdimensional portal so we can find a world with fewer zombies."

Bill Cosby: "Use body magic to enlarge our dick so big it crushes the entire town under its weight."

And since we have time, I could have the protagonist take all the serious suggestions, throwing out the ones that don't make sense in the setting or with the protagonist's established powers.

It does usually take a firmer hand from the author (Questmaster) than something like a Dungeons and Dragons campaign would if you want to prevent the quest from going off the rails, but I have actually done this before, so I'm confident I can keep you lot following something that halfway resembles a plotline.

It would give me the opportunity to flesh out this Patreon a little more, because all the Spellheart 5 chapters are going to go down when the book goes live. Potentially it might even produce something I could publish, since I have been seeing more and more cleaned up and edited quests appearing on Amazon lately. They do lead to pretty OP characters because I fully expect readers to go full munchkin with what I give them, but I'm confident I can scale villain power sets as needed.

If there's enough interest, I'll post a few questions and write a scene or two and get us started. We could set it in the Spellheart universe or in a new setting. This'll be a back burner project, but it will give me something to work on when I feel burned out or stuck while writing the Spellheart series.



I like the idea. If you set it in the same universe as Spellheart, even on a different world that would add some familiarity with the systems, mechanics, lore. I feel this might be easier for you as well as us.