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I'm not sure what the heck is going on with Ram at the end there, but I'm definitely intrigued!  I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not actually her...  Something just feels off about it, like it's an illusion of some kind.  Also curious about that red spirit that came in to help Subaru out.  Why was Beetlejuice so concerned over it?  Seemed kind of odd to me...



(8:45): Don't worry about it too much, it'll be explained more later. (11:30): There are only 6 archbishops. Why there are only 6 and not 7 has to do the inner workings and goals of the Witch's Cult, which I could tell you about more if you want (they mention some stuff in the novels around here that generally clear up some misunderstandings some people tend to have about the Witch's Cult), but it isn't super essential to understand the main plot, so let me know if you want to know. (15:00): :) (22:30): Good observations. (23:05): I'll tell you later. (23:35): Yeah he did, he's just that awesome. (28:18): Correct, Ram can only use Wind Magic. I'll mention it next episode, there's some cool lore about this.