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Unfortunately, I'm sick...  It's not too horrible at the moment, thankfully!  But, it definitely sucks getting sick right at the same time as getting a new job.  I apologize in advance if I'm not quite as energetic in reactions over the next week or two!  Here's hoping it doesn't last too long.



hope you feel better soon, don't feel obligated to record new reactions if you're not up for it. Besides, I still haven't caught up :p


Thanks a bunch! I'm still going to try and get an episode up tonight. I'm wanting to see how I fare with recording while sick, lol. Also, I believe I found both OVA's mentioned before starting season 2. So, those will definitely be covered once I get to that point soon!


which version of The Frozen Bond (should be the 2nd OVA) did you get? They added a voiceover in the blu ray version. You should be able to check by watching the first 15 or 20 seconds or so. it shouldn't spoil you since it's just some text on screen and hopefully, a voiceover. If there's a voiceover (you shouldn't recognize the VA), then you have the best version, if there isn't a voiceover, then you have the original web release. It doesn't make a huge difference, the only difference is the addition of a voiceover, which is possibly relevant to Season 2 stuff (depends on how good you're memory is, but most people (including myself) don't put 2 and 2 together with it), and some associated screen flashes of text stay on screen much longer (to line up with the voiceover). It's just a bit easier to watch when text stays on the screen for more then a quarter of a second, and the possible connection you might make it also a nice bonus. If you got it from sailing the high seas, then it's probably the blu ray version with the voiceover.


Unfortunately it's not the voiceover version! I did check the beginning, but the text does stay up for a decent amount of time at least. I can always pause and go back if needed too! I only really trust two sources when it comes to anime (aside from the mainstream stuff like Crunchyroll, Netflix, etc.) Just because I have a really expensive PC and I don't want to risk getting any viruses, malware, or any of that fun stuff haha.