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Woooow!  What a freaking episode!!  How did it fly by so fast!?  The fact that a majority of this episode was in a single spot and focused on one scene.  Was straight up genius...  Masterful execution of a scene.  I feel like every few episodes, this series just keeps pushing to new heights.  The dialogue between Rem and Subaru was one of the best character interactions I've ever seen in an anime.



(2:15): Rip, having to replace a GPU always sucks, though I ended up paying a pretty large premium (I think it was like 1.5x) on my 3070ti, since I bought it during the GPU shortage. (4:05): There are more episodes then occurrences of the OP and ED with visuals (so each episode averages less then 1 OP or ED per episode). Just wait til you get to Season 2, where the episodes are extended as well. (7:10): This is actually really interesting because the only way destroying the world is the best course of action is if Puck has a very specific amount of knowledge about some very specific things (that I won't mention because it's not really important and it's a bit difficult to talk about without using some future knowledge). I probably won't bring it up again but it blew my mind when someone pointed it out to me. (7:50): More curveballs then you can see. It's one of the reasons that I really enjoy watching people react to Re:Zero, because you can see most of the curveballs if you make the right connections, but everyone always finds a different combination of curveballs that they see (and probably on average only like 20% of reactors I've watched see any particular curveball, so don't feel bad about being blindsided by these). (8:45): Petelgeuse was in fact called Sloth. (11:50): Yeah but if Rem just leaves and gets far enough away, then Roswaal will be too busy dealing with the with cult to chase her down. Plus trying to track down Rem would be a monumental task if you have no idea where they actually went. (13:50): Pause all you want (though I can't really answer your question yet). (14:55): It is, and Subaru knows it. In the novels, Subaru's inner monologue goes on about how he knows this is a shitty decision to ask someone, and Rem shouldn't take him up, and the only way Rem will say yes, is if he rushes her to that decision, because anyone, after thinking about it, wouldn't take it. (15:15): In the novels, it's more clear that Rem is 1b to Emilia (1a) (though it's been a while since I've read it, so that might be upcoming stuff), though you're right, that it's very clear who Subaru has his heart set on up til very recently (around episode 15ish). (17:40): worth noting that twins or worse, triplets are super bad in oni culture, so her saying stuff like that, is sort of turning her back on her oni culture. (24:20): You're 100% correct on all counts. (26:35): And this is something that real people struggle with as well, because they haven't reached where they want to be, they assume that they're still back at the start. Only remembering the negatives and not remembering the positives. (26:50): One thing to note here, is that in this section, Rem never directly challenges Subaru's claims, only giving her own views about other positive traits about Subaru. And it's a really good thing too, since Subaru would probably view any sort of confrontation as a slight against him and would probably react poorly. (28:50): This insert song is actually sung by Rem's voice actor. (31:00): And now this is where Rem challenges Subaru's views, now that he's been softened up a bit, and only by disproving his statements by her own actions. "I've never saved anyone" -> "You saved me", "No one will listen to me" -> "I will listen to you", "I hate myself" -> "I love you" (31:35): So something that doesn't translate well. In Japanese there are multiple ways to express your affection for someone. The main 3 are using "suki" (pronounced "ski" usually) usually translated as "like", "dai suki" usually translated as "love" and "aishiteru", which is also usually translated as "love". For reference, "dai" in this context means "big", so it's like "big like". "aishiteru" doesn't really have a good english translation ("dai suki" -> "love" is actually very fitting). It's a very strong term in Japanese and people generally don't use it in public (Though the way anime people speak is also quite different then how real people speak), and from what I hear, some couples still aren't ready to use "aishiteru" when they're getting married. I would consider "aishiteru" to be more akin to wedding vows. Which is why I want to point out, that before this point, Rem has been using "suki" to express her affection to Subaru, but here, she uses "aishiteru", which has a profound effect on Subaru, since thats a seriously strong term, one that cannot be mistaken for an insignificant feeling. It's in the same ballpark as Rem proposing to Subaru. And it's a key factor for why Subaru listens to Rem here, once Subaru realized the depth to how much Rem cares about him. (32:50): This is one of the most misunderstood scenes imo (and I'll get into that at the end of this comment). So many people hear "I love Emilia" and then lose their shit about how Subaru should love Rem and I'm glad you're not one of them. (34:15): Remember that one of Subaru's life goals was to laugh with an oni while talking about the future. Which is exactly what they're doing here. (35:15): That's because this marks the end of the prologue to Re:Zero. (35:45): Yeah, it's insane that one of the best episodes in anime history, literally consists of basically just 2 characters, having a single conversation, in the same place, for 20 minutes. The direction in this episode was just fantastic, and one of my favorite things about this episode, is that it's almost perfectly adapted 1:1 from the light novels. Every little detail from the light novels, no matter how small, is adapted and shown in this episode (well at least the 2nd half, there's some inner monologue that was cut in the first half). (38:00): Your brain? Trembles? Uh oh. (38:35): You can call it one of the best episodes of the anime so far if you want. Personally, I have it as my favorite episode of Re:Zero (though I have a different episode as the "best" episode). (39:00): Yeah the direction was so good. It could of just been them 2 talking with nothing else happening, but yeah, those little flashes and stuff really helped set the mood. This is my favorite episode in all of Re:Zero. But I also think it's one of the most misunderstood (though you did a good job). A lot of people forget that Subaru is obsessively in love with Emilia, and has been, the entire show. So when Rem talks all sweet like she does and then Subaru responds with "I love Emilia", they immediately start flaming Subaru for not picking "the perfect waifu in front of him for some other girl". Ultimately, as you noted, you can't help your feelings, and if you word it like this "does the amount of affection someone shows to you, obligate you to respond in kind?", it's pretty obvious that the answer is no, you are never obligated to reciprocate no matter how much the other person loves you. The other thing, is that that's actually what Rem wants to hear. Rem is distraught this episode to see her hero, Subaru, break down so much. The core reason that Rem loves Subaru is that Subaru never gives up, and always tries (and succeeds from her perspective) to save everyone. Rem was saved by Subaru when she thought her life didn't have any value, and now that her hero feels that his life doesn't have any value to it, Rem feels obligated to save Subaru, just like he saved her, by telling him that of his good qualities. Rem is also in a catch 22 here as well. Rem loves that Subaru never gives up, and Rem knows that Subaru's number 1, is Emilia. Therefore, if Subaru picks Rem, Subaru is giving up Emilia, and thus "I would be leaving behind the Subaru-kun that I love most". Rem can never get the Subaru she loves the most, because the Subaru she loves the most, is the one that will do anything and everything, for Emilia. And thus, when Subaru says "I love Emilia", it's a signal to Rem that Subaru's mental state is back, that he's back to wanting to save Emilia, to do everything for Emilia, and that, is Rem's hero. Also she already knows that Subaru loves Emilia (literally everybody does). Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed this episode, as I mentioned, it's one of my favorites, and even now, after watching it 40+ times, I still tear up watching (or even just thinking about it). Now it's time for the story of Natsuki Subaru, the self proclaimed knight, and Rem's hero.


Oh I forgot to mention, this episode was also specifically advertised in Japan, which I believe is pretty rare for a specific episode to be advertised as opposed to just the series in general being advertised. The runtime was also extended by a few minutes (something their advertisement mentioned). And they even moved the mid run commercial break to the very beginning, as to not interrupt the Subaru / Rem scene.