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I got nothing...  Absolutely nothing...  What in the world is going on with the Rem situation!?  Subaru's curse is going after other people now too!?  Puck's DAUGHTER???  How?  When?  What!?!?  I'm baffled by all of this, but it's just so damn intriguing.  Definitely posting another one tonight!  Hopefully it won't be too late when I do!  (Also, haha...  Don't mind my camera issues at the end.  Still need to set it up properly, that's all!)



(3:45): There's actually a ton of toothed whales (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toothed_whale). The White Whale seems to be based off of the biggest toothed whale, the sperm whale (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sperm_whale). It's also probably a reference to Moby-Dick, which featured a white sperm whale (though that one didn't fly through the air). (10:00): Small translation correction here, Instead of "that monster killed the first Master Swordsman", it should be "that monster killed the previous Sword Saint". (11:05): Yeah, Subaru's come a long way, but the journey is far from over. (13:10): I love this moment, though I never really get to talk about it as much as I like (damn spoilers are everywhere). Personally, I'd probably do the same thing in his shoes. Subaru literally just admitted that the White Whale is following him, and that checks out, since it's managing to follow them in the pitch black. Both of them escaping together doesn't seem likely either, so it does seem quite like a it's you or both of us moment. (14:20): Not just emotional trauma, but also physical trauma as well, pretty much all of his deaths besides the first one in the mansion have been violent deaths, which look like they were very painful. It's one of the reasons that I really hate it when people complain about Subaru breaking down (either explosively (episode 13) or subtly (episode 8)). Like the boy has been through magnitudes worse then people who break down in real life. (16:00): So I checked the timeline (because it's really really hard to keep the timeline straight in this arc). In this loop they leave for the mansion about 19 hours earlier then in the first loop. So in this loop they leave mid afternoon on day 2. The attack happens sometime on day 5. Subaru took a long time to travel back to the mansion in the first loop because they took the long way (2 days journey instead of a half day) and since Subaru mysteriously lost his original carriage, it took Subaru several hours to get another ride. The 2nd loop time is super hard to track, since Subaru spends most of it in the cave. (16:15): I love that you called out that he must be imagining it. A ton of people's first thoughts are that it's real and something different must of happened. (18:50): "What is happening?!" is I think one of the best ways to describe what goes on in Re:Zero. The amount of times that Subaru gets blindsided by his lack of knowledge is just incredible story writing imo. Because once the viewer gains knowledge of the situation, all the signs are there that it's happening. The fog of war aspect in Re:Zero I don't think get enough traction. Too many stories have the MC at the center of them, and have the MC have knowledge of like everything that is used in the story. But not Re:Zero. Man I can't wait for you to get T-boned at a certain scene. (22:55): It's definitely the wrong way to go about it, though I also can't think of a better way given his circumstances. (25:55): A point of clarification going on here. Emilia was not targeted because Subaru was trying to tell her about RBD. Emilia was targeted because Subaru didn't value his life anymore, and thus killing him would no longer be a punishment, so the hand thingy killed the person Subaru valued the most, which was Emilia. Subaru could of been trying to tell it to Ram and it still would of killed Emilia. It cannot be weaponized. Just wanted to tell you this because many people end up with the mistaken belief that it will kill the people Subaru tries to tell RBD about (and usually come up with theories like, Subaru should just tell all of his enemies about RBD) and that is not correct. (26:50): no comment. (30:40): These hands are completely unrelated to the RBD curse hands, they just have superficial similarities (probably). (31:20): There are some theories about that (that I probably won't ever bring up again). (32:40): Your door, it's the star of the show, the camera knows. (33:10): The half devil stuff is just a derogatory terms for being a half elf (the Witch of Envy being the "devil"). I'm pretty sure there's some translation shenanigans going on, but just because derogatory terms I don't think translate well. (33:40): That is correct.