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Wow!  What an ending!  That was a complete change in tone, and to a certain point very uncomfortable.  You rarely see a series do something like this with their main character.  I respect the hell out of this show for doing something like this!  Subaru was definitely in the wrong here.  I know he has had an incredible weight on his shoulders with this curse.  But, he was absolutely out of line in this situation.  Just when it seems things are getting to a good place, this man has always got another setback in his way!



(5:10): :) (8:45): Notice here that Puck is a fire spirit. That's because there isn't any ice magic in Re:Zero. Fire magic just controls the temperature of something. Turn it up, you get fireballs, turn it down, you get icicles. Also it's pretty impressive to be contracted with a great spirit, most people are only contracted with a lessor spirit. (12:05): Some missing context here. In the novels, Julius has this line: "Do you understand? People are divided according to their birth. Perhaps it is best to use the term capacity. Nothing is gained by attempting to surpass one's own capacity. Furthermore, you will never gain what you seek in doing so, especially not in the title of knight, which falls so frivolously from your lips". Note that Julius goes on a bit more about how you have to be of noble birth to be a knight and how nobles are born different, so Subaru's line here about being born into the job is not unrelated to the conversation. It's a ineffective comeback to Julius's classist views . (13:40): No idea, to my knowledge, this isn't something that usually happens. This royal selection is happening only because the existing royal family died out. Normally the crown would just be passed down to someone else in the family, like a normal monarchy. I think Rom is trying to save Felt because he hasn't seen her in a month, and heard that she got taken away by a knight. There's like literally a whole novel about some stuff that happened in the kingdom a few decades before Subaru, and Rom lived through that. Lets just say he doesn't get along with the government of Lugunica, so having you're adopted daughter get kidnapped by the government is pretty extreme and worth taking extreme action to fix in response. (14:45): Yeah, it relates to his backstory that I won't get into. (27:45): Yeah it's hard to watch, especially the first time around. This episode is pretty infamous for making people drop Re:Zero. People see Subaru like this and if they didn't like Subaru already, this puts him solidly in the "ruins the anime" tier for them. But honestly, I have this episode at the top of A tier for me, but mostly because of stuff you learn later. (27:50): Yeah, he really did implode. Honestly, I would probably implode in a similar fashion if I were in Subaru's shoes. To not be asked the reasoning of why you did something, to not be able to talk about why you did it, and then immediately get called for not explaining why you did it, it would be infuriating to me. Subaru's also gone through a ton of trauma, and I'm honestly a bit shocked a breakdown like this didn't happen earlier. (28:10): I think it should be noted, that Subaru says "you SHOULD have a greater debt to me than you could ever repay". To me, this implies that there isn't actually a debt. But you're also right that these are things that Subaru choose to do of his own violation, and it's quite scummy to request some form of payment for something someone didn't agree to prior. I also don't really think people should be judged the same when they're having a breakdown as when they're lucid / sober (not to say that Subaru should get a pass, but he's pretty clearly distressed after he's prevented from talking by the curse). (29:25): I think they're both in the right. Emilia's side is quite easy to understand, so I'll just talk about Subaru's side. Pretty much none of what Subaru said was a lie. He is definitively the reason why things have turned out good for Emilia thus far. Since Subaru has the ability to retry situations, people close to Subaru (like Emilia) become advantaged simply by being near Subaru and thus increasing his agency. Put it this way, the closer Subaru is (physically and also somewhat emotionally) to Emilia, the easier it will be for Subaru to avoid a bad outcome for Emilia. Of course, since Subaru can't actually communicate this, there's no way for him to prove this to someone else, which makes Emilia in the right for calling him out on not following her instructions for seemingly no reason. At it's core, I think this is strictly a communication issue and if Subaru were able to explain his reasoning, I think Emilia would be much more understanding (though also heavily traumatized by the cost of the "good" timeline). Which makes the fact that he can't talk about it, all the more tragic. Also something to note is that Emilia doesn't cut ties with Subaru because she dislikes him or what he did (this is only a minor reason). The predominant reason that Emilia cuts ties with Subaru is because he claims that all he did was for her, and since Subaru keeps injuring himself for her sake, the only way he'll stop, is if she removes herself from Subaru, so he no longer has a reason to push himself. Also I forgot to mention, this arc (Arc 3), is the first arc where there are significant amounts of cut content. I probably won't mention most of it (the stuff that isn't immediately applicable), since there's a good chance they'll be reintroduced in Season 3.