Collaboration - Mystery of the Lighthouse w/ Kelfecil's Tales (Patreon)
2021-06-13 21:55:00
Good morning, or evening! This is a quick notification that Kelfecil of Kelfecil's Tales has put together a low-level adventure featuring some of my work - the Stern's Lighthouse map from March! The adventure is a small module focused on an old wizard's toys left behind in a decrepit lighthouse. I was given the archive to share with you, so it's attached below - containing:
➤ The adventure (PDF)
➤ Maps (+ the lighthouse's storm and nighttime variants)
➤ Tokens/Art (+a few extras)
➤ A unique soundtrack
Be sure to check out Kelfecil's launch page for additional details, and the other artists involved in this collaboration - McRo's Music, an ambient music artist, and The Fluffy Folio, purveyor of various monster tokens and splash images!