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I've been focused on learning basic 3D modelling for characters during this month, no progress on the game itself, slowly I'm working my way to be able to create the characters for the game in 3D, I don't have anything show(yet) but yeah, the game it's definitely going that way, I still don't know how will end up but I feel way more confident about it now than one month ago, even if the characters are kinda basic, will allow me to continue with graphic content, not just text like I was considering to do

I love graphic stuff, especially in a game for adults

This change means throwing away a lot of work I've done for image-based characters and create specific stuff for 3D characters, but there's no other way, it has to be done. At least the new stuff will take in count the already planned changes

We'll see how it ends up :P

See ya soon!

Thanks all for being there ^^



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