YF June progress report (Patreon)
The navigation map was something pending to do, the one used till now has been this placeholder:
Here's the current work-in-progress:
The thing about this is that those buildings(except the dummy ones at the sides of the main house) aren't simplified versions of the complete ones, those are the complete buildings with everything inside of them, which also means that the size it's accurate, as big as it needs to be to fit everything
Initially, I was building the world in the game engine with imported objects, then months ago started to build the entire main house in the 3D modelling program and now I'm building the entire game scenario on it
While rebuilding the buildings some objects changed slightly to fit correctly, many were optimized and some minor details added
Here's the old tavern, the fan light while nice, ain't accurate since the external sign covers the fan, so no light can enter:
The rebuilt one:
I built some 3d objects so badly back in the day, that was actually faster to build them again, like this one, the new pew has also less polygons:
I'll probably make a full comparison when everything it's finished along the rest other coming changes when the next version it's released
Thanks for being there ^^
See ya soon :)