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Michael Basketball Jordan Basketball Peterson

Hey all, given the recent passing of the singer of smash mouth and Jimmy Buffet, If you could bring 5 musicians back from the dead who would they be? The only rules are: 1. if they are part of a band or larger group, you gamble changing or straight up deleting any song written by the group after the members death. And 2, in instances like Freddie mercury where they wrote songs about knowing that their death was coming soon, those also would be erased. Mine would be Chris Cornell specifically for more Audioslave, The Rev from A7X, Mac Miller, Chester Bennington, and Jimi Hendrix (mostly for how he could’ve further innovated early electric guitar playing)


Howdy heretics. Is there any game or type of game you just refuse to even try? As a trucker irl, I just refuse to try any of the truck driver simulators myself. The potential reality where I get off work of driving a truck only to go home, sit in front of my computer, and drive another truck and enjoy myself while doing so honestly scares me.

Putting black face on my light bulbs

Howdy Triplets of Terror, when you were young, did you always know you were going to grow up and spread hate speech and profanity on the internet, or did your young selves dream of something grander? Love the show, done a good job keeping me occupied at work for the past two years!


Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight. The producers demand a fourth person be introduced to the podcast to boost ratings, and will do anything to get them. No being in history or fiction, living or dead, is off limits. Who is it and why? bonus points if you make a new character entirely from scratch for the Snark Tank Universe.

Gape away, gape away, break that f-slurs balls - The Slime of the Rubbing Cocks by Black Faggot

Hi there Cole, Black Dom, and Baird. Long-time patron, first-time question asker here. I (unsurprisingly) have a Gears of War question for you. Netflix is developing a live-action Gears movie (as you may be aware), and Zack Snyder has expressed interest in directing it. Obviously Snyder is a very divisive filmmaker but if you honestly look at his style both in terms of direction and tone, he is perfect imo for Gears. So would you consider Snyder a good choice to direct a Gears movie? If not, who would you pick to direct it and who would you cast in it as well? (feel free to create a joke cast if you feel like it, e.g. Sam Raimi as director, even though that would be fuckin awesome)

Pissin' n Wizzin'

Hey the Three Blind Mice from Shrek 2 Let's say you get enough money to build what you'd consider a reasonable "dream home". What is the one extra amenity that HAS to be there? Sex Dungeon, Arcade, Sex Attic, etc. I love all of your guys' work and a reminder to not trust any loose cheese you find on the ground

Pouring Hot Sauce Into Derrick’s Gaped Rectum

Hello bois. Just thought I’d ask each of you to divulge a little bit about what your daily lives generally consist of since you don’t have what most would call “normal” jobs/lives I just feel it’d be interesting. With remote work being more common since the pandemic, I’m sure it’s not all that different but I just wonder, like Chris for example. Do you have a sort of schedule you like to stick to even outside of things that are probably set at regular times/days (recording podcasts and whatnot) or do you just sorta wing it? Would love some insight from y’all, much cum my brothers.


Hey beautiful baby boys. Just wanted to ask Sween and Derick this, but Chris can join in as well. When playing a turn based RPG, what do you guys look for. I’m currently in the earth stages of writing one and just wanted some ideas from the guys who I trust on video game opinions. Also Sween I’m the man who said KH2 is one of the best RPGs fight me


Hello CRG, SBD, and TSI What's your most embarrassing sexual experience


Which tutorial-type character would you keep in a basement to beat with a sock full of wet nickels? Mine would be omochao from sonic heroes, though Doom from Shadow is a close second with his gargling auto tune voice. Thanks, love the cast.

Genderbend Chris, Sween and Derrick and make them FUTA

Hello Dorruck, Chros and Swoon. What real life city would you like to see fully realized as an open world map in a video game? You can pick whatever time period. I would like to see Prague during the 2nd World war.

Damien Sawyers

Have you guys ever played Bulletstorm? I find it to be one of my favorite shooters, its really high octane and fast paced which makes it amazing. Also Steve Blum voices the main character


Sup snark boys, hope it's going well for you cause it isn't for me. I just learned that cup noodles plans to launch a caffinated flavor for gamers in japan. Got 2 questions 1st: would you try the energy noodles? And 2nd: what ingredient would you add to a cup of noodles to make it even more cursed but still plausible?

Gay Square Hammer be like You cum on me and coat me in your slime

Sup fuckers I’ve been listening to the pod since Derrick joined and I’ve finally scrounged enough pennies out of the couch to ask a question. What piece of media can you consume again and again the gives you the same feeling it did the first time whether it be a game, movie, tv show, book, or other oddity? Or it could be something that motivates you after you view it? Personally, I’ve seen the found footage series Marble Hornets over 12 times since I was 14 (I’m 22 now) and it gives me chills every time and every time I finish it I get up and get to work on whatever I’ve been dragging my feet to do.


dear Thomathan , Derikathan and Chrisathan since going to 2 ep a week i feel morally obliged to sub to the patreon. you guys are are my favorite podcast and it feels like the least I can do. My question is; would you rather spend 20 minutes in a 20x20 enclosure with 3 crocodiles or 5 minutes in a 10x5 walk in closet with a chimp. (specifics) All animals are not immediately hostile but very easily provoked, you can't bring any weapons but can use your environment, and the croc pit is 20% water (I've had a lot of coworkers ask about the specific situation hope this helps)


hey can y’all post a new discord link 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Mr. Hot Salsa

Yall still have a 15 dollar tier


Hey Chris Kristofferson, Derrick the Derelict, and King of Kingstons 🙂. Did you ever read a book that was not “appropriate” for your age but still found it insightful that you can still recall the themes or messages that you got from it? Also, the fact that you guys are going to try and put out three episodes every week is happily surprising (yet seeming impossible) to me. I hope it’s as consistent as possible, but don’t beat yourselves too much if you can’t make it happen due to reasons. The audience will understand for sure. Keep up the great content you three 🙂👍.

Michael Basketball Jordan Basketball Peterson

Hey all. I recently felt the urge to replay a PS2 game from my childhood and chose SSX:Tricky. After playing it for a bit I wanted to try and re-100% it. I ultimately decided not to cuz I didn’t want to delete me and my sisters childhood 100%. Are there any save files from your childhood you won’t delete or override cuz of nostalgia

I Purposely Run Over Butterflies When Mowing The Lawn

Hey Sna. Rkt, & Ank... If you could have had full creative control over a game when it was being developed (I'm talking story, gameplay, marketing, budgets) what game would you choose and what whould you do with it? I would take :^)


Hello, various minorities! I have an interesting question(s) for you, what was your wildest sexploit story/first time story? Mine is that I essentially fucked a milf that I met online while her husband was in the room, and I fucked my childhood friend's wife with his permission. These are just my first 2 times

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings Crimson Fleet, Freestar Collective, and filthy disgusting independent colonies. I give you not a question, but an excerpt from Nirvana's hit song "Smells like Gay Sex": When my sacks full And needs draining, Here's ding dong Please fellate it. It's so I hard now, I can't take it. Here's ding dong Please fellate it.


Hello Christoper ray Smalldicknado, Charlie blackmon of the Colorado Rockies, and the guy who tweets awful takes all day. What cancelled media would you want to see get made most? The planned ending for the Showa era of Godzilla film would’ve seen Godzilla dying of diabetes before getting turned into a spaceship and battling visibly titted aliens who took over his home planet

Hunter Du Bois-Tokin with Rolkien Tolkien

Heyo boyos, long time listener, first time patron. Quick question: since yall got Lyle and Zach on would you ever try to or have you tried to get Chris O'niel on? Additionally, yall watch Oneyplays? Also fun fact: there was a spike in flintlock crime in England at one point due to them being classified as "antiques". Tally ho, you ruffians.


Hey you band of creatures that go bump in the night, long-time listener first-time patron here, your podcast is the only thing getting me through my shitty job right now. My question is simple, Has there ever been something or someone that got you through a really rough time? I am a fresh graduate and alone in the world and I'm looking for ways to keep myself going.


On a prior episode a patron said that Worth Dying For is the worst song off The Sufferer and The Witness. And Chris agreed with him. First of all eat lead, but secondly how the fuck is that the worst song when The Approching Curve, Rise Against's worst song, is directly before it. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Sorry not their worst song but the worst song on that album by a fucking mile

The Nightman

Hi there again, boyos, got another one for y'all. Would you rather never need to sleep again or never need to eat again? Feel free to make up the conditions as y'all bring them up, love from Texas

Mr. Hot Salsa

Derrick you fucking donut. You forgot to mention that Boebert gave that guy a hand job during the play.


Sup you bunch of hooligans first time patron long time subscribe here, what was the infamous character of your area when you were younger mine was a man called Purple Aki who was known for squeezing mens muscles in gyms, I swear I'm not lying Google it

Nikki Ziggy

Writing a kind of question to prove I am an active member of this Patreon, Have you guys heard about the fascinating phenomenon of Yankee candles receiving a bunch of negative reviews of people angry the candles have no smell coinciding with a new wave of Covid?

Dr. Rococknik’s Obscene Peen Machine

Hello Black and Hispanic, Black but not Hispanic and Hispanic but not black. You have the power to simultaneously remove the thing (not a person) that you hate the most but at the cost of what you love the most. You can then continuously do this until nothing exists on earth. Do you do it? And if so, how many times do you do it? So for example Chris could remove the existence of Imagine Dragons as a band, but at the cost of the Halo franchise.


Hey big dick, big dick and derrick, Whats something you will never forgive for as long as live? For me it was when derrick did what he did. You know what you did you fuckin mongrel


No question this month, just wanted to share this comic strip of Spider-Man beating the DOGSHIT out of Kingpin after he put a hit out on Peter, which resulted in aunt May catching a stray bullet. https://youtu.be/GJkQS41ZM-U?si=7hBCpa5zD5MM0Y51


Favorite Chris Chan moment/character?


Sup fools, thoughts on the huge ass Xbox leak? Anything you’re looking forward to or dreading?

Dr. Rococknik’s Obscene Peen Machine

How goes it party people? Thanks for making my repetitive work day bearable. You can revive a dead game franchise for a new instalment. The game will be great, but will be a commercial disaster, guaranteeing that there will never be another game in that series again. What game franchise do you give this one last hoorah to, knowing it will doom the series forever?

Saleem Krichi

Catching up on a couple episodes, just a reminder rdr 2 Micha says he didn’t want to sleep in same cabin as the darkies in like the first hour of that game.


Fuck is up you sick bastards? Been here from the beginning and decided to finally stop contributing to the free rider problem and chip in. My question is pretty basic; have you ever done any psychedelics? I'd love to hear your opinion. Keep up the good work, you've been making me laugh in public situations since Psychicpebbles threatened to doxx my credit card