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Greetings Miles Morales that gave up Howard Jones the European Gigolo and Idubbbz + Steve Smith from American dad = CRG If you can master any weapon fictional or non fictional, which would it be? Avoid vehicles or firearms; they're too easy. Thanks for the laughs during RPG grinds and accompanying me on long drives between Houston and Dallas (4-6 hours btw)


Dear the squatters who live inside my phone, who is your ideal cast for major characters in potential movie adaptations of franchises you love? Specifically I want to know who Sween would pick to play characters in Dune Messiah and Children if they get movies.

Emmet Daly

Hey guys, simple question who was your number one crush in video games or shows/movies as a kid . Love you boys been following from the start because I needed a new Sleepycast substitute keep up the good work.


Hello Three Reasons for the demise of Humanity, Who is your favorite Video game composer? Mine will always be the composer for Kingdom Hearts, Yoko Shimomura. Her music always brought great joy to me as a kid, and I sincerely cannot imagine anything giving me more joy than simply listening to those epic boss themes all day.

Long Schlong Silver

Good morning gentlemen. This question is more for Kingston but are there other tabletop RPGs that you are interested in playing that is not D&D? I personally hate D&D and feel that there other RPGs that have surpassed D&D in terms of mechanics and theming (like Call of Cthulhu, Blades in the Dark, and Cyberpunk 2020). Have you dabbled into other systems and if so, what do you think of them?


Hello one haku-jin and two koku-jins. whats an extremely obscure yet vivid memory hidden in the corner of your mind that may seem insignificant to everybody else but only YOU seem to care about

Obi Won't'cha Blow Me

Hey guys, try and come up with a horrifying condition using the few medical terms you know. An example would be 'prolapsed urethra'

Nikki Ziggy

Hey guys, Little late, so don’t worry if you miss this, but my Q is: To what extent can you separate the art from the artist? Obv, this question is about Kanye cause WOW…

Nikki Ziggy

Update: the Holocaust museum invited Kanye for a private tour to discuss his recent antisemitic comments and he replied with “planned parenthood is my Holocaust museum” and now the fucking Holocaust museums is receiving thousands of threats and antisemitic bullshit.

Pissin' n Wizzin'

Hey babey boyes. How far is too far when it comes to game moderation? With Overwatch 2 threatening to make you register a phone number (strictly a contract phone btw. No poor prepaid phone bitches allowed) and kernal level anticheat it seems like games are starting to get way too hands on with this stuff. On the other hand we see that Sexual Assault custom game mode someone made in OW and OW2 (link: https://www.pcgamer.com/sexual-assault-custom-game-mode-reveals-a-glaring-overwatch-moderation-problem/). As hilarious as that is in the fact this shit has to be ironic (players can give birth to a Torbjorn) it kinda adds fuel to the fire here for people who want even more control. How do you guys think devs should handle game moderation?

Obi Won't'cha Blow Me

Hey Guys, would you rather have a health bar or a stamina wheel. The health bar when full keeps you at your healthiest relative to your age and can be refilled through food. The stamina wheel could let you run at a full sprint for a good 30 seconds without tiring, an only needs a few seconds to refill.

Kingstons Grandma

Kingston Please come home. Gram Gram misses you


Lads, bois, my little chubsters. Have you guys seen Mike Tysons Mysteries, Mike voices himself and he is insane in it, like for real just an agent of chaos! Funniest shit i ever seen.