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Adum from YMS joins us!



There are now 4 Furries in the Snark Tank


Chris Jim Robs is a Cunning Stunts kind of joke, it's still the same joke


Here's the thing, movies being patched isn't really a new thing, music licensing have lead a couple of films in the past to be patched


Derek here's the thing about Universe Healthcare, you still are going to need insurance, sure not for general healthcare, but for Dental, yeah you're going to need that, at least in Australia.


Medicare for all as proposed would cover dental. Dental is also covered in a lot of the other countries that already have universal health care, like England (believe it or not), sweden, Germany, etc


Adum? That's a dum way to spell that name😏.


Universal dental care in England is genuinely just the real world becoming satire.


Granted I did said, "At least in Australia" and plus do you trust the government whole assing it, no they're going to half ass it, probably in that way, the only good that will come out of is Canada is going to update their shit because they can't do anything outside of competition


What video are they talking about at 1:21 when they are talking about the mass effect ending?


Damn hearing my Halo question answered was so surreal lol. It was amazing to hear you guys share your opinions on it, this has definitely been my favorite podcast episode to date.