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Marcus Fenix squirting up a storm? Demi Lavato a traitor to the human race? Zodiac Killer revealed? Half Gay Superman? Are Bisexuals real? Who’s to say really? Metroid Dread hacked? Is Trix Yogurt is back? Is Shrek is a Namekian? Too many questions, too little time. This is a fever dream, this episode god help us.




You know it's a good one when Sweeney makes himself a complete fucking imbecile less than ten minutes in.


"People who're interested in learning about serial killers are wack."-three men who have admitted to recreationally watching liveleak videos


I love how this started on Superboy being gay and in turn into a complete mess.

Saddest Substance (ok it MIGHT be cum)

OK listen, bisexuality does in fact cross over with both homosexuality and heterosexuality, I mean duh, obviously. But bisexuality is still its own thing, its not like a subclass of homosexuality, they're each different identifiers for different experiences of attraction. Now whether or not bi people wanna be called gay, that's gotta be a person to person thing, I personally think its funny, other people won't.


How did Sween go from being correct two episodes in a row to being completely wrong lmao? Love the dude though.

Nikki Ziggy

Once again, read the comments before the episode and fuck me im scared to listen to what actually was said…


Kingston I think you gave Tom Sweeny too much brainpower this episode


I’m really going back and forth In my mind whether or not being bi is gay


Sween, you had a point with gay being applicable to bisexual people because gay doesn't have a 1:1 relation to the word homosexual. "Gay," is more of a social construction. For example we've all called things "Gay." Before that were absolutely not homosexual. The rest was utter nonsense. Words like homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual and to a lesser degree pansexual all have a biological basis for their classification. Remember boys, sex doesn't equal gender. As a side note whether an individual bi person is gay or not is pretty much just a matter of their own identity. Derek's bi mom might not consider herself gay, but also Vaush, who is bi, thinks of himself as gay.


In which Sweeny, a medical student, argues against the concept of emergent traits for 15 minutes ☠️


Hello, may I say y'all never answered my question I don't think... Could y'all answer it or could I ask a better one? (If yes ignore my message) if y'all could bring anything into a Fictional world what would it be? I would bring guns into ATLA and only give them to the fire nation.


Confirmation within the first 16 minutes that Sweeney is as retarded as he looks.