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Are Chris and Derrick stupid with relationship advice? Is God of War a Top 5 of All Time Game? Is Sweenys girlfriend even a real person? Are old people doomed to be terrible? Is jumping a necessity in video games? The Rise of Skywalker is a real movie? How do you throw a funeral for someone who's just kinda wack? All these questions and more on todays episode of the Wack Tank.



Mr. Hot Salsa

Instead of dating just say in an "official relationship".


Holy shit. This is my favorite podcast and I've been following Chris, Derek and Sweeny for the longest time, but god damn the beginning of this episode is insufferable. Like damn, I love y'all, but you gotta drop this dating thing. It's the same shit over and over and it all is condescending as fuck. I can handle a shitty take but Derek literally saying "idk why people got so mad" without understanding what he said just irritated me.


Jesus fuck, I wasn't expecting my name to scramble Chris' brain multiple times. At least he was pretty close on the last try. It's doop-a-LOOP-doop


Yall are wrong bout old bands being unable to be just as good as they once were. Cannibal Corpse dropped a new one this year and it's fucking great. I'd say its better than their early stuff by a ways. Only under The Bleeding


Nobody " misunderstood" you mispoke Derek.


Chris: not a furry, can confirm.


Thanks for clearing that up Derrick. But surely you can see my confusion as I had no idea there was a difference between “dating” and “having gone on a few dates”. Other than that yeah I have no problem

Stanley Yeung

Alex Ross uses models for a lot his stuff.


Not to mention Testament has been putting out consistently good albums over the years


I still really disagree with Chris and Derrick about the dating thing but it’s a little more understandable now that they properly explained.

The 1st Church of Keith David Presents, Dr DisRespect's Careless Whispers

It does bring up an interesting point. Relationships can start in so many different ways. I was under the assumption that most people have their mind made up whether they are looking for a one-night-stand or a romantic relationship. I don't personally know anyone who started dating anyone after a one-night-stand unless they knew each other before they slept together. So everyone's response just comes down to their frame of reference.

The 1st Church of Keith David Presents, Dr DisRespect's Careless Whispers

It wasn't said specifically but the way it was worded made me assume that they meant mainstream artists in genres that were mainstream at the time and have waned in popularity since. For example if the Village People came out with another disco album or something. The way Chris worded it seemed to exclude genres that have never been mainstream and artists that have adapted and reinvented themselves time and time again for example David Bowie.

Nikki Ziggy

Mario galaxy holds so much nostalgia for me. Being the fucking loner I was in middle school, coming home and playing galaxy on the wii made me so damn happy. I listen to the soundtrack and I get this huge smile on my face. 😊❤️