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Nobody is happy about the fact that we have to mention Chris Chan, but it'd be impossible to not mention it so, here we are. Keemstar dates a 20 year old, Chris Chan f**** his mom, Black John Cena, pirates vs samurais vs knights vs Vikings, Suicide Squad was kinda great? I dunno, this is a mess.




I'm so flattered! You read my name twice, thanks Chris! Two things though: 1. I'm trying to pay you to read your end-card you ungrateful son of a bitch. 2. Even if I changed my name, you're going to say it anyway. So why not just skip my name? Great episode btw. Poor Barb, she didn't deserve that shit.


"once Chris Chan is brought up shadows follow" This quote is fuckin ominous now to me, considering how the podcast ends


My summary of who Chris-Chan is for people who don't know Chris is a severely autistic man whose parents were in no way equipped to raise him, his father was already in his 40s when Chris was born and his mother has seemingly always been mentally unwell and manipulative, and his pastoral councilor tended to actually enforce his awful behavior. Chris eventually went viral on the internet for his strange antics and bizarre comic book about his Sonic OC. For 14 years Chris was relentlessly trolled and bullied and for whatever reason Chris just wouldn't leave the internet or just stop engaging with the trolls. Chris basically went insane from all the trolling, they believe that they are a goddess from a different dimension where all of their drawings are real and soon this dimension and our dimension will soon merge into one, I'm not exaggerating. The person who leaked the phone call where Chris admits to raping his mother was the woman who manipulated him into doing it and her end goal was to have Chris kill himself and his mother. She also boils live hamsters for fun and posts it online like shes proud of it. The documentary series about Chris is currently at episode 59 and it has only covered events up to 2017. It is an incredibly dark and depressing story, when you see the clips of Chris being weird out of context they're funny, but when you know the context it's all so sad. A lot of people don't feel bad for Chris because he's rude, homophobic, racist, and has a glaring sense of entitlement, but he is very autistic and has been manipulated and had his poor behavior reinforced all of his life, be it by his parents and councilor or the 14 years of trolls, its not really his fault. He's still a terrible person but it isn't his fault, I personally really feel bad for him.

The depressed Minnesota man

Hello my future victims (diminishing consciousness, samurai black, and mini weenie Sweeney). Apparently I am spending my money to only have my amazing questions read ONCE, I bet y’all can’t remember which one you asked. My question this month is. If you could add “you little shit” to the end of any famous movie quote what would it be? Love you guys, even though you shit on my Minnesotan accent


Tom has been playing too much Kingdom Hearts, talking about shadows and darkness and shit


If Keith David opens a cameo make him say “hey look it’s a little dead meme. Fuck you little bitch. You think you can fuck with me. What a moron” and just replace Chris’s lines in the opening


Hate to be that asshole but dont waste your time with skyrim, play modded morrowind or oblivion to get that elderscrolls ich instead


you guys should have lil b the based god on here


this idea aint half bad ...cant believe they havent thought of this one yet


A discussion about stollen left-overs and Chris Chan. This is literally just Sleepy Cabin.


Dude the discord is so into the chrischan thing that the day it happened I saw like 20 memes about it within like an hour of it going public.

Nikki Ziggy

Chris’s impression of a rural old woman had me cackling like a mad bitch. Holy fuck that was funny.