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July's thread was long and we've finally reached the end of it. You know the music! Time to dance! Topics, questions, suggestions. Anything your feeble heart desires. Send 'em our way and we'll do our best to get everybody involved. 

Keep in mind: Your question has a higher likelihood of getting selected if you keep it concise and devoid of long long run-on sentences. They break Chris's psyche. New episode tomorrow. Solo Episode on Friday.



Hey would you guys consider having Vaush on as a quest i think it could be interesting


Hey Jerry, George, and Kramer. I have two questions. Will you ever have Gus and/or Eddy be on the podcast? Secondly, the Cowboy Bebop Netflix adaptation is out November 18th, you guys watching?


Not a question but ive come to give cursed knowledge. The director of the tom holland spiderman movies made that god awful clown movie you guys talked about.


anyone got a link for the discord


Hey, gang. I got into a bad car accident and am going to be in recovery for over a month, and your podcast is keeping me sane and smiling, so thanks. My question is, have any of you ever been laid up after some big incident for weeks on end? What did you do to cope with it?


howdy you howling hucklefucks, eminem is NOT TOP 20! I've been listening to this podcast since ep. 0 w Zach, i was wondering if chris o neill would ever get a chance to join you guys, hes a funny little boy. cheers and much love!


Hey girls. Recently I got a metric fuck ton of games from a few Humble Bundles and I've been trying out some titles. Among them is this little indie darling Blue Fire, which surprised and delighted me. Think Wind Waker and Hollow Knight getting together for a threesome at Dark Souls' house, this isn't an ad, my question is; are there any underrated bangers of games you ladies fell in love with after giving it a shot? Hope you are all having fun, and keep up the good work. :)


Hello Pale Ghost and the two Ghost of Tariq Nasheed's past, I want to spark the hot take that video games count as art. Many people argue video games aren't art often due to their limited knowledge of video games but I feel it's pretty obvious that games like Gris, Bioshock, Doom Eternal, and Bloodborne are art good enough to not only be studied by classes but exist in the Louvre. I got particularly tilted after seeing a FUCKING GAURDIAN ARTICLE have the Gaul to not only say they are not art, but their argument was, and I quote "Pac-man and Tetris alongside Van Gogh will mean game over for any real understanding of art."


discord link pls been a month


Salutations Chris Derrick and Sween. No question, but the NBA state farm thing reminded me of the time they got fucking Spike Lee to write and direct one of the stories. It was NBA 2016 and the highlight of it is the ending. The main character has a piece of shit coattail riding friend who dies in a car crash while fleeing from the cops. The final scene is his ghost walking on screen and giving an eight minute monologue, in it he gives poor justifications for why he's such an asshole and also says he always wanted to fuck your mom. By the way the ghost is reading his monologue off of a notepad. Also the main character's name is "Frequency Vibrations." It's not a nickname it says that on his birth certificate.


(name is pronounced Shu-jay-mon for chris lol) Hello, Migos that ran out of ink! I've been watching you guys for a month or so now, you've made my pretty grueling workday a lot more bearable so thank you for that. you wouldn't believe how often I was working while crying laughing, seriously. Anyways Question time! A lot of people around me tell their story of when they "gained consciousness" as kids, where they just suddenly come into being mentally, and I always thought that was bullshit, I certainly don't remember such an event. Am I a dolt? Have you guys lived through that?