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So, Tom Sweeny and I are moving into a new place next week! This means that we'll be doing a lot of manual labor and tedious bureaucratic work in the coming days. Rather than take a week off and just not do a podcast the week of the move, we've decided to record two shorter episodes (likely and hour and a half long) on Sunday and put them out as they correspond to the dates.

This way, no days are skipped and we'll be able to pack up that sensitive equipment earlier in our move. As such, this question thread will be open for the next week and we'll be relying on it for the next two episodes. So feel free to leave all sorts of dumb shit here. Next time you hear from us, it'll be in a new space. Hopefully nothing breaks. 


Jose Horrach

Hey there you handsome gentlemen? Can Puerto Ricans such as Chris or myself say the N word? Being from Brooklyn, I just thought it was understood that we can, but now I'm hearing is up for debate. So what do you guys think?


Howdy, Puerto Rican pancake and H.P Lovecraft's cats. You get a million dollars but, whenever you look at a woman's tits, ass, or crotch, you get LASER vision. Yes, the LASER hurts people.


Hey Icecream Sandwich, I hope all three of your pieces are doing well in this move of yours. If you could inhabit the body of somebody you've personally met for one hour, who would you pick and what would you do in this time? During this hour, you will have two distinct and easily accessible sets of memories/experiences in your mind; one for you and your host, in case you want to access their bank account, social media, etc.


What's up buttercups. Doth that ass clap?


Hey Little Character, Large Eldrich Being, and Guitar Master Pussy Smasher, hope everything's doing good with y'all. I was wondering if you guys had any fun/wacky stories that you haven't shared on the podcast already, because they bring light to my depressed soul. I can share one for example; one time when I was a kid, a friend fell asleep at a sleep over, and my other friend and I that was there at the time, convinced him that we watched porn on the TV the night before and he was DEVASTATED that he missed it. Thanks so much for the amazing content, keep up the amazing work. (By the way, my name is Smough the Executioner from Dark Souls, not the dragon from The Hobbit.)


Hello hunter, brute, and jackal. What is a game that is not well known but you believe can go up against a bunch of the mainstream titles, for example I played RiME recently and it’s an incredibly well made puzzle game that I had never heard of before I found it on game pass. what is your unknown gem?


Banished bois


Whattup my [REDACTED] got any underrated or obscure music artists yall want to share with the class? For me I gotta recommend a punk/metal duo called '68 whose music and live shows are super out there and unique.


Big fan of you guys. Anyway, what are some of your favorite video game bosses and why?


I don't have a question I literally just donated to call you all degenerates for pronouncing Mugen wrong, Its MU-GEN not MYU-GEN, jeez i can feel my frontal lobe collapse more every time I hear you guys say it.


Where is this week's episode? (Also, can you please plug my GoFundMe?)


I donated 20 for what it's worth. Good luck man, hope your dog gets better.