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We have several questions from previous episodes we plan on using for this week, but might as well get some last minute extras. (Also, automatic discord connection will be happening soon.)



Hello Nigulus, Black Dynamite And Bagged Milk, ive had this question handed to me on several occasions. Is Avatar the Last Airbender considered an anime to you and why?


This is for the bulimic shipwrecked mexican we call chris. what ever happened to Butthurt McWowimacunt? Where did this funny little character go and will he ever appear on your channel again?


What's up Black Metal, Sween Titan and Flimsy bespectacled goblin. What is the hand's down weirdest game you've every played, any of the three of you? Whether it was good or bad, just something that made you feel weird throughout the entire duration of whatever playtime you had with it. Jimmy and the Pulsating mass is an RPG with neat mechanics that made me feel super uneasy despite looking like a childrens game.


Hi there Froot Loop Poop Scoop, Grape Nuts The Gob Hobbler, and Cinnamon Gross Crunch (you fight over the names, I don’t care who’s who), Since the Olympics aren’t happening this year it’s up to you three to entertain the world by coming up with a lineup of breakfast cereals so superior to all challengers that it rivals the dominance of the 1992 USA men’s Olympic basketball team. That’s right, a Dream Team level roster guaranteed to balance the shit out of any incomplete breakfast that dares threaten your nutritional needs. Or if you’re a huge nerd, make The Avengers of cereal. Avengers 2012, none of that Endgame shit, we’ll be here all day. -Nigel


Hey you three, would you beat a small creature into a blood puddle with a rock if it stole your memories. This does not bring back your memories.


Hey Ed, Edd and Eddy. How do you deal with the inevitability of death?


Hello the most diverse podcasters that would still somehow be labled as white supremacist by people on twitter. What do you guy´s think about the new anti cheat being added to the new doom? And why do you think Bethesda ruins everything they touch now a days? Really love litsening to the podcast and the blacking off podcast.

Nikki Ziggy

hello Sweenster, someBLACKguy, and the idiot who believes animals don't have empathy. my friends and i play this game where we talk about how we would fight each other if we were ever forced to like I, as a vertically challenged person, would get in close to my tall friends to limit their range. if you three had to fight each other, how would you go about it? thanks for being mildly entertaining enough for me to pay you


Hey Thomas and the sweentards what is you favorite flesh to devour¿


Why am i here?


Were you to be able to relinquish the life force of any single demographic, without exceptions, which one would you cleanse from this putrid earth? Ideally, it’ll be one with me in it.