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Polls close at 8pm east on May 7th.
Vote once and carefully.
The results from both Subscribestar and Patreon's spreadsheets will be merged and totalled to see which topic wins.



Sticking with my choice on lopunny and ash. Good luck everyone and hope you have a good weekend. 🙇‍♂️

Wallet Green

Seriously if my red c and Starfire option is picked this will be the best birthday gift for me even though my birthday is in the middle of the month


Red x. In teen titans at first it was a disguse Robin used to try to get to a villan. Robin use The outfit and acted as a villan. In end of the episode the titans find out and lost their trust on him. Robin sealed the outfit and never wanted to betray their trust again. But later in the series, someone broke and took the outfit themselves and became the new red x. He becomes a regular villan and has a rivalry with Robin. Many people theorized its Jason Todd, but no one really knows.

Chris Scott

There can only be one... brace for the impact of epic lightning.


Unless it's Robin himself taking the outfit again :3


Red Hood Red X?


Mega Lopunny! I know you can win! I really want to see a second part of Poguemon!

Daedrius Storm

If that topic wins, I kinda hope it goes in the direction of Robin and Starfire having a little bit of fun with him roleplaying as the villain.




Let's go Cloud and Tifa, they were so close to win last time...


the alternate support site. Some folks didn't want to deal with Patreon.


Going for my girl Starfire

Emerico Salazar

Thanks for the 411(god I am old), I was thinking it was another adult site that you ran.


Is this Red X supposed to be Robin (Dick Grayson in disguise), or the unknown rogue who takes up the mantle after Robin beats Slade?


I think lopunny no longer has a chance to win, anyway, that's democracy


Robin is dick Grayson. So it will be him taking the role of red x in disguse? Awesome ^-^ My favorite episodes have always been the one where star was forced to go back home because she was getting married and he was freaking out the whole trip. Even jumping out if his pod in space to yell at her XD The other was beast boy pirated a copy of a game and infected cyborg with a virus. Causing him to eat anything and imagined Robin as a steak. "We need gravy AND PLENTY OF IT!" Oh I miss the old show so much ^-^


I'm assuming it's Dick Grayson. It's funnier that way. The ambiguity DOES give it more weight in the voting, BUT it allows ME to interpret the outcome in the way I want.


I get it, its funnier if its unclear and she keeps guessing its people that would be impossible

Garrett Carter

I would've been more interested in Blackfire and Red X, personally.


Wow this poll is really close. 2% difference. First time seeing a poll basically be neck and neck.🤔

Terry Chill

It's a two horse race! I'm still voting for Cloud and Tifa. I have a thing for childhood friends.

Kei Montague

Tifa and Cloud gets my vote! Although, Mega Lopunny would be nice to see in Fred's style...


Well Transformers got shafted again, how very disappointing 😒


Starfire and red are up by only 2% with ash and lopunny close behind it. Good luck everyone. Either of these 2 ideas wins, I'm happy because they are good. ^-^


I wanted to vote for Cloud and Tifa but, since there is practically no chance to win at this point, Ash et Lopunny


Really hoping Starfire wins. Always enjoy seeing her and Grayson together. Maybe we'll even see the more adult versions of them (like Nightwing in that Harley comic and the version of Star from mainstream DC comics, but even if we don't, it'll still be nice to see the characters in Fred's style! Titan's Forever ;)


Only a miracle will make Lopunny win :')


Is it Red X/Robin in disguise… or is this something else?


So who is the winner we still have the subscribstars


WE WERE SO CLOSE! So close, and we tripped at the finish line!

Terry Chill

Who won? This one was too close to call.


very close, but that's how it is. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. there is a next month. At least I'm glad my suggestion got to this point.


Ah, good good… hmmm… it could be a kinky thing with them dressed as their Villain Personas. XD


first time i'm voting, does the ones that haven't been voted come back to the next poll ?


Idt it’s with Grayson tho. They said Red, and when I searched it up for verification it appeared to be a teen Titan villain


Not unless renominated and then only if they don’t fall under one of the categories on hiatus.

Daedrius Storm

That's exactly what I'd said too. Kory and Dick roleplaying for sexy time fun. Not outta the realm of possibility. Very plausible. I actually like the idea very much.


Results tallied. Starfire X Red X(Dick Grayson in costume) is next

Popit User

Aw I thought it was the villain red x