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That's right. I got to take some time off to do whatever I wanted for years, but this year, I want to give a huge thanks to my top supporters who have been helping me through thick and thin.

A whole year of GOs now belong to you.
At least 6 pages of any (1male X 1female) pair you want me to play around with.

(I realized that I gave a way a GO topic to a contest winner on the discord when I should have made it count here.... Sorry.)

So, to make it up, I'm giving the reins to my dearest patrons.

Here's the schedule. You have until the the first hour of the first day of your month to message me about your (MxF) pairing (AND to help explain to me their dynamic so I can get into it... just like I gave away this month.)

Here's the schedule:

  • Artificer Don--GO June 2023
  • Griff--GO July 2023--choice locked in.
  • Scratch--GO Aug  2023
  • Damo--GO Sep  2023
  • MaveriKat--GO Oct  2023
  • MarcSeebass--GO Nov  2023
  • GunStar 1--GO Dec  2023
  • Daedrius Storm--GO Jan  2024
  • Awr74--GO Feb  2024
  • RageHoof--GO March2024
  • RyuWyldefire--GO Apr  2024
  • Jim--GO May  2024

And once again, thank you all!



*Drops to knees and BOWS at the Booty Doc's feet.* WE'RE NOT WORTHY!



Emerico Salazar

Congratulations to all of you!!


Congrats to all and thank you Doc you are a man of the people. *yetihug*


Welp…I’m stunned beyond words…so, Big huge fing THANK YOU DOC!


Oh damn, how does one qualify for this? Is it the length of time the patron has been a supporter or the amount they pay per month?


the list is from patreon. I went to the Patrons page and sorted the list by "Lifetime"

GreatDragon AD

Congrats to those who contributed the most during their lifetime in this page. Although, my brother and myself have been here long and contributed even little of what we have, we did our best to support Fred and this page. I hope this continues for years to come.

Kei Montague

Oh snap! I love this idea, Doc.

Marc Seebass

Cool, does this include OCs?


This sounds cool, I guess I need to become more active now in the discord.


So um...what happened? and I'm not sure ow this works


Quick question, when we lucky ones do message you on this, where would you prefer we send the message too? A pm here or on discord?

Daedrius Storm

Honestly, this is actually a very pertinent question. I'm inclined to use the Discord, but It's a good idea to hear which method The Doctor prefers.

Daedrius Storm

Chances are that the rules this follows are the same that apply to the Booty Topic Nominations: No Loli/Underaged No Futanari (Chicks with Dicks) No Yaoi (Guy on Guy) No Yuri (Girl on Girl) No Incest No OCs No IRL People No Hate Sex No NTR


Extremely grateful for this incredible generosity. Thank you very much. Hope to come up with something lots of folks enjoy!


Will these comics be publicly shared here on Patreon, or will they only be sent to the above mentioned/selected people? I'm only asking because I would honestly be curious to see what series and characters you choose, it would be great to see! :)


Most likely they will be shared on discord as the previous one was


By the way, if you make your choice early, I'm locking it in. I'm making plans for it and I doubt I'll be checking for changes. So don't rush to decide. The deadline for the choice isn't set in stone, but the longer it takes for me to find it, the fewer pages I can do.


I’m really honored to be included in this, thank you Doc! For clarification, does the rule about no OC’s still apply to this? And where would the best place to contact you be?


OCs that you personally own the copyright for is fine as long as your okay with the comic going up for free on discord. Other folks OC's (That have not appeared on TV/Streamservices/Movies/Commercial productions) need the creator's permission. You can message me here on patreon. I'll check a week before the first of your month and every day up until the first of your month


Hey Doc. Just letting you know I’m temporarily leaving the Patreon but I’ll be back in a week or so. Hope it doesn’t bump me down the goof off list although I’m sure I’m pretty low down anyway lol.


Hi Doc, did you get my DM?


Just putting a note here that my info was sent.