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Vote once and carefully. Poll spreadsheets are merged and tallied on March 4th at 8pm.

The top 5 move on to the final round of voting.



I'm hoping Mabel gets to have her chance in the spotlight with Danny Phantom!


Miko Kubota! How I would like to see you in your uniform so tight.


I really can't with the continuation bias in these polls sometimes, everyone seems to just want what we already had, but again, I wanna see some new characters dammit! Also why is there an option with 1 man + 3 women?

GreatDragon AD

You are not alone. I agree with you 100%. Moat of the nominations arr just repeats of themes we already voted for. The most unique ideas on this one is Marco X Miko and the Danny Phantom ones. Currently, I am rooting for Marco X Miko. Just want to see that Glitch Tech big booty of Miko's.

Ryux- San

That's what I said too!. And this time I would like something other than Dipper o personaje de Gravity Falls, it already has many comics, I prefer to see Miko.

GreatDragon AD

What's with all the repetitive nominations involving the same characters or at least from the same source? C'mon, we need some variety here. I don't mind continuation and sequels but we need to let ideas of untouched sources a shot.


Brilliant! Thanks for that support friend! I just wish they would give it a chance

Garrett Carter

Wait, I thought Doc said only Male + Female pairings. I didn’t know we could submit lesbian couples. This changes everything.


I will not lose hope, Miko and Marco can still win, I would like to see something new this month.


I would also like to join a few comments. 1. It's really unfortunate that the same characters always appear and other series and their characters don't get a chance. But this is democracy, and if the majority wants it... 2. The voting system is also strange. I noticed that there are nominations what get a second (or third! etc.), but are not included in the preliminary poll. But there were also nominations that did not get a second and was included. How it is? Maybe I just don't understand...

Ryux- San

there is one that is repeated and another does not comply with the rules, 2 nominations were not included and that is unfair. And I also want to see something new with new characters.


I’ve noticed quite a few complaints over this month’s nominations, please take this into consideration Doc has a very full schedule and often relies on us to follow the rules he sets forth. He may not always have time to proofread everything but he tries to make it as right as he can in the end. I more than most understand the frustrations but in the end the Doc has done right as best he can.

Boening 77

I think it is the only "New" that is worth it, since the others have already appeared in previous comics


Same dude. Miko is so thicc seeing her in Doc's artstyle would be amazing


It is just one male and one female, nothing has really changed. Just give doc some time I’m sure he’s very busy and the last thing he needs is everyone to start disregarding the rules, it’s bad enough the ones that are doing it now.


I've been looking at the comments and maybe it bothers some, but I must say that it is the pure Truth. We've already seen a lot of sequels and repeat characters these months, like MHA recently, one with Miles and Gwen, and I think Gravity Falls with Dipper recently, and now Gravity Falls is winning again. I understand the frustration and anger of many since it is tiring to always see the same thing and also because of how unfair this payroll has been. I have seen that they write that it must be something "Democratic" but the election of the payrolls has not been equally democratic, there are 2 payrolls that should not be there, either due to an error or due to non-compliance with the rules. In short, they must open the doors to new ideas, and that this mistake can be corrected.


Couldn't have said it better myself. It's why I pointed out what happened to me but I didn't pursue it further with the Doc. I know he's busy so I just gave a heads-up.

Ryux- San

Trust me, I completely agree that Doc is a busy man and a great artist and of course he trusts us just like many of us trust him, but how do you think those who made his payroll feel? I mean the ones who followed Doc's rules, they got votes and seconds. And only so that in the end one that did not even comply with the rules remains in the vote, and another that is repeated. You may find this irritating, but I speak for those who have fallen unjustly, and I hope Doc corrects that.

Daedrius Storm

Which is pretty much what will happen when he realizes that some things on the ballot shouldnt be.


I agree, see that beautiful purple hair, and his great booty drawn by Doc, would be explosive.

Ryux- San

It refers to Dipper and the 3 females, and there is also one repeated. That should not be there since they do not comply with the rules. Doc you just have to read the last comments and you will understand.


We have lost 😔 thanks for supporting my payroll, only a miracle would help us


The fact that continuations win so often is why I hardly bother suggesting any new ideas anymore. In fact, I stopped being a patron for a while because of that. There needs to be a new rule in place that makes things more fair for ideas that haven't gotten drawn yet. Otherwise, I just might leave again.

Ryux- San

dude the rules weren't even followed on this payroll, Dipper's is an example


One more thing: Doc does a fantastic job every month, no matter what wins, that's for sure. Actually, the nomination rules should be changed. For example, that each series (or characters) can be nominated only once or at most twice. So if something has already won and it has been made, it cannot be nominated again (or at most it can be nominated once more, but not over and over again). This would give more titles/series/characters a chance. But that decision is Doc's.


I agree, but how do you expect us to trust that these new rules would be respected if they were not respected right here.


If Doc does the right thing on this payroll, I can trust that again.


Oh, the Dipper and the three? I'm just going to chose 1 of them. Or, at the very most, Dipper and one at a time --example Dipper1 with 1 for 3 pages. Dipper2 with #2 for 3 pages and Dipper 3 with #3 for 3 pages. (if it gets elected.)

Daedrius Storm

That's what "The Bench" is for. Characters that get nominated too frequently ultimately end up getting benched for an amount of time dictated by the Doctor. Currently, The Bench is being warmed by Beast Boy, Raven, Jack Darby and Arcee, but Deku and Dipper are slowly creeping up to their due date. According to the Doctor, Deku has at most 2 wins left before he'll be remanded to The Bench. This is the chief reason I advocate for new topics.