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If there's a fun pair of game or pop-culture characters (1 male+1     female) you want me to put into the voting, Nominate right here. The     rules are simple. Everyone gets *1* nomination OR *1* second per   month.    Noooo backsies. (2nd nominations or seconds are ignored and     frowny-faced .) And no, you cannot second your own nominations. And     please do not solicit for nomination support. I want to be able to   read   this so I can apply it to the next vote. Let the nomination  stand  for itself. :D  

Nominations open until 8pm Mar 2nd.

Doc Vacation hiatus 5 months.
Video Games hiatus 1 months.
SuperHeroes hiatus 2 months.
Doc's Choice hiatus 3 months.
Anime hiatus 4 months:(Exception--MHA Deku/Mirko continuation.)

Notes on the MHA exception:
This continuation is automatically nominated and will be on the final ballot as a 6th option. But for it to win, the vote count needs to be at least 150% higher than the runner up.
"Autobutt version of Lightning McQueen X MegaEmpress"
gets 100 votes
"MHA Deku X Mirko continuation" gets 149 votes
Then MHA continuation loses.  (verses 150+ votes for a win.)

So just nominate and vote as normal. Vote for which ever you truly want to see on the ballot. The MHA continuation will be there if the MAJORITY of patrons really, REALLY want it (and prove it with a landslide)


Alex Woll

Garruk and Chandra from Magic the Gathering


Max and Roxanne of Goofy Troop


Marceline + Billy/The Lich from Adventure Time


Wylie E. Coyote and Female Roadrunner. We finally get to see what he’d do if he caught her fine ass!


Nick wilde and Mrs. Otterton from Zootopia. The officers of the ZPD was ordered to 'check up' on the families of the victims from the movie. Mrs. Otterton was nick's assignment- they end up doing it!


Avatar: The Last Airbender ( Azula x Sokka )


Continuation of Nick x Judy (Zootopia)


Sam Manson from Danny Phantom and Dib Membrane from Invader Zim


Hercules and Meg from Disney movie


April O'Neil and Donatello (TMNT 2012)

Terry Chill

shit I missed this b/c I trhought it wasn't happening b/c of the extra MHA. FUCK!