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Okay... I this one I'm planning to have one or two "invaders" burst in on the fun...
But who should it be?

Big Pickle?

#2: I was going to have Calc give commentary, but decided it wasn't needed.

 G.O. I'm trying to decide which invader to use...

 I'mmmm kinda leaning to Bazel now...

#3: Boner the Odogaron on the ropes... for now...

#4: I absolutely love how the music in the game changes when Bazel appears. So foreboding! So terrifying!

#5: I was trying to convey what it would be like to be crushed by a hot, horny Bazelgirl!

#7: Now we transition from leathery, aggro, fire booty to fwuffy, big-titted, pink booty!

#8: All clear for rampage!

Just doodling what a Odolumu might be like...

#10: They just fuck-off into the sunset! (reminds of Aladdin and Jasmin's carpet ride!)




Big Pickle and Beetlejuice would be my votes.


B52 BOMBER That jerk always finds a way into your hunt 😫


It's always Big Pickle.


I love watching monster hunter gameplays and the way you have drawn the humanoid versions of these two monster is fucking incredibly AMAZING! They both look so fucking epic and awesome and MY GODS HOW DO YOU ALWAYS DRAW MY FAVORITE FIGURE FOR A SEXY BOOTYLICIOUS THICC THIGHS GODDESS oh wait I asked my own question. REGARDLESS OF FUCKING LOVE THIS ALL READY AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE SOME EPIC SEXY EARTH-SMASHING WRASSLE-FUCKING FOR THESE SEXY ADORABLE BOOTYLICIOUS THICC BAT GODDESS AND THAT BADASS KICKASS DINO GOD! *yetihug* I do feel bad for that one guy who got covered in precum. I'm horrible with name' what the spiky one with spiked forearms and wings?


Big pickle


It only seems fitting Bazel comes in like a B52 bomber and nukes everything lol.


I love this doc never laughed so much reading it.

Chris Scott

It's always fun when it's Banbaro Time.


The biggest plot hole of this comic is Monster Hunter researchers' work is primarily focused around what animals taste the best.

Chris Scott

That would be the singular focus of a certain handler. I love her to bits, but there's more to hunting than just taste sensations.


While Big Pickle is always thirsty, my vote is for Beetlejuice. He just always finds a way to ruin the fun when he's not invited.


I feel like Calcula is in a special investigation mission "Rumble n' Tumble in the Coral Highlands!"

Joshua Wolfe

Bambambaro, he's big horned and horny




A gentleman always pleasures a lady first. But this is monster hunter world, fool! Always go for the fuck! Or else The sexy bootylicious thicc goddess monster cutie will go booblicious battle mode! You fucked my monster friend... Probably in a good way.


There can only be one perfect invader, B52, because B52 never friggin stops invading :P


Nice touch adding custom monster icons in the battle scene. Looks so legit! XD


Its gotta be da big pickle!


Dual purpose breasts apparently.

Ophanim Smile

I feel like Bambambaro will be a big hot horny boy so please~ <3

Darnel D Cooper

Whoops,... Yup,... he messed up.


That would be Deviljho... (Or deviljoan here.) Bazelgeuse is the flying bomb wyvern.


I'm liking the look of the large female monster, in the bottom right, hopefully she'll be the invader ^^


Same I like Deviljho. Both Girls in a three way wrestling. The poor Guy. I should get back into this Game.


Oooo Wait how the Huge Boobs flying Girl I like her Design. She the one for me . I chose her. I did not see her. In the pic tell I scrolled up. And Bam!!!! There she was in all her glory.


#4 I'm casting my vote for Bazlegeuse/Beetlejuice. That Biological Clock is ticking and ready to blow! Secondary vote goes to Deviljho/Deviljoan.


My vote still goes to the B52 bomber


hmmm, how about an ebony odogarn or a legiana?


Fucking hell this is hard to pick. I want to see Pao Get pounded to ahegao state but Seeing the giant bootylicious mnster goddess and the flying monster goddess I just can't decide.


Love all of these invader choices, but im sticking with the Bazelgeuse vote. Bring on the bomber boobs! And is that a Tzitzi-ya-ku checking out the action from afar?


I like your first rendition of Bazel a little more, with her detonation scales around her neck/collar.


hmmm. Yeah. the other way needs like a ton of explaining. Version 1 it is.

Chris Scott

Having Bazel's scales fall off while bombing and leave her topless is a pretty cool idea.


who is who the comic is hot but I dont play mhw to know these characters


They're person-ized monsters from monster hunter the capcom video game.


It's all fun and hunthumping until your prey grows massive mountain size booblicious thicc breast and breast pounds tit fucks you to oblivion. Than it a party. And seeing who is going to join it you know it is going to be one hell of one. Beautiful sexy thicc masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend. *yetihug*


I'm thinking of deflating Paolumu from here out. I think she's comical at her inflated side, but I think she's starting to freak people out.


Stream of jizz 1800pts rofl


Lol, yeah, as much as I love large breasted characters, Pao's are quite huge, almost impractically so. Its still your choice though. I'm just curious to see how you continue this. :)


I thought that paolumu was just defending herself. But instead she was like "nope, I'm on top bitch".


Late to the party but what about glavenus? He can use his mouth to “sharpen” his “tail” to deal loads of “damage”

Chris Scott

You know, my mind manually played the music that heralded the ruination of many a hunt and running until my hunter couldn't breathe.


OOOOPS forgot Pao's wings. I gotta fix


Da da ... dadadadadada.... da da da da da! (Bazel theme).


NO ONE EXPECTS THE BAZEL INQUISITION! When you are going to make your prey blow with your giant titties and a sexy thicc buff dragon goddess comes flying in and you are not sure if she is going to steal your prey's cream filled meat stick or going to turn you into she next meal. either way I think that this is a win because Pao or Bazel are going to get their hump on, with each other or with Odo... I meant hunt... No, No I didn't


Ooo, a sexy-rex~


Man, Pao's tittyfuck looks even better in color. So deliciously messy! And Bazel entering the fray will only make this better! :)

Ophanim Smile

At first I was like "do not booli paolumu" but now I'm like "poor odo such a good boy!" xD


Loving the fiery color, especially in the background. Reflects perfectly with the fact Boners gonna rage out soon.


THIS IS HOW I WANT MY FINAL MOMENTS OF LIFE TO BE! Look at this beautiful sexy buff bootylicious thicc badass and cute dragon monster! She is kickass perfection and I love her! Thank you doc you glorious god emperor of awesomeness for this beautiful beast goddess! Lets hope Bazel and Pao both get along.


Booby Bat Vs. Piston Pigeon... quite the pair of female monsters... and now he's gonna rage? I can almost hear the Nature Documentary Narrator going, "Of course, there can only be one outcome..."


Lol Odo has dick armor?


More like an extra tough layer of skin. Still sensitive, but harder to injure. Fem Odo's have sharp teeth you know.


And we're gonna get 2 more pages of hardcore BonerxBayBay action? Hawtness!


Ooooooh Yes Yes! YES! YES! THIS IS TRUE SEXY MONSTER HUMPING! THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL! I FUCKING LOVE SEEING A SEXY THICC BUFF MONSTER GODDESS Bazel enjoying every single second of it! She lusting face is just so magically. Thank you so much my god emperor of awesomeness friend! *yetihug* Now the question is Once Bazel is left in an ahegao faint will Pao be next?


.. and the Odogaron grew two sizes that day..


What the hell is this based on? I cant tell


Such a sublime and beautiful match of two gloriously gorgeous beasts. I love seeing Bazel's beautiful bootylicious thicc ass getting pounded. I love it! I can't wait to see Bazel cum faint and Odo's rematch with Pao, FUCK HER PINK BOOTYLICIOUS BOOTY!


It's based on monster hunter world. I like the game a ton, but it's obscure to some.


Man, Calc is dangerously close to the action here.


Preposterous! There’s no way that vagoo is defenceless!


Pao got a little to eager horny when she saw that hoard rob and is now going to have to pay the price and boy this price is going to be good. She is just so damn cute being to horny, cocky, *HA!* and scared. Now the question is which part of her is going to be fucked first.


Calc's commentary makes this so much better! Adds a bit of levity to the hardcore monster action. Love it! X)


There are no draws. Its fuck or be fucked, and Pao is about to get the fucking of her cute sexy pink bootylicious thicc booties life. Godsthis is fucking amazing and beautifully hot! A truly badass masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend. Thank you so much and I can't wait to see Odo "feast" On Pao all night long.


Still waiting for her boyfriend to show up.


It could be the same mating rules as a pokemon nursery?

Chris Scott

That hybrid is incredibly frightening.


Love the Odolumu hybrid idea! Definitely can see that in the game, especially with that spike-belly slam attack.


Finally! We get to see plow the adorable sexy bootylicious thicc thigh cutie Pao into a climax ahegao mess of pleasur-and they're gone. Just, uh... floating? away midfuck...*look down* ah. The return of the why boner. Siiiiigh I fucking hate when monsters do that. Well at least they'll be easy to track. I need to see Pao getting her pink bootylicious thicc ass smashed. Thank you for this lovely masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend! *yetihug*


A fitting ending for those two. Awesome job on this, Doc. As a Monster Hunter fan this hits all the right spots. Very entertaining read!